this morning he had a great poo. Come home from work, he has a mushy poo. Few hours later he has liquid, not much but a bit. Few hours after that, straight runs shooting out of him. Im at a loss here and the vet is no help. Vet for over 8 years, no help. My dog acts normal,eats,drinks, and has treats. Vet is very non chalant that it could be the simparica. Simparica has side effects of diarrhea. THe medication stays in system for 35 days. Could my dog experience side effects for the duration of that pill? So I have about 30 more days of this ****? I don't want to call the vet again because I feel he is useless. If my dog is eating, barking, pooping with the runs, drinking water, no chance of dehydration, should I let the runs work the pill out of his system? this all started less than a week going on the pill, but has been going on for about a month. Whats the chances it's the pill and not my dog actually being sick? Seems logical, no?
I am thinking to give him pumpkin and try to control the runs as the simparica gets out of his system. He stopped the runs for about a week after the cottage and after he finishes his antibiotic. Possible the antibiotic helped fight the issue from the simparica and when the antibiotic wore off, it caused the runs to come back?