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Does your Frenchie "hum"?


New member
Jun 13, 2014
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Our newest girl, Olive has the cutest habit of what I call humming. Sorta like a groan, but it's because of pain. Sounds more like a hum.
She does it mostly when changing her sleeping position or other such things.
I've never ever heard a dog make this kind of sound. Wish I could figure out how to get a sound clip of it.

that sounds too precious..... video if you can?
I wonder if the weird sound has something to do with her deafness. Isn't she deaf?
She is SO cute!! I never heard Wally hum before. He'll make these noises I call 'purr snorts' when he's getting petted but no noises when he moves around in his sleep.
Mine don't make any humming noises! They make all sorts of other noises though!! LOL
I wonder if the weird sound has something to do with her deafness. Isn't she deaf?

True, but not sure it's connected. She doesn't have any issues making all the usual Frenchie sounds, barks, etc.

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You can post it to You Tube and then here. Jake yodles when he is really happy to see someone and Stella kind of makes a higher pitched bird sound when playing.
True, but not sure it's connected. She doesn't have any issues making all the usual Frenchie sounds, barks, etc.

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Hopefully you can get it on video!

What is the closest animal noise you can think of to the noise she makes?

Titan makes the most odd noises, ones Isabelle does not make! I completely throw it up to the fact that he's deaf.

Also his bark and other noises are more throaty than Isabelle's? Barely, just distinct enough where I can differ between the two when I'm listening closely.

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OMG, I swear that dog is the cutest thing!
True, but not sure it's connected. She doesn't have any issues making all the usual Frenchie sounds, barks, etc.

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She has the cutest bark when you walk away from her and she wants attention!
It's hard to get a sound clip of the humming noise, but here ya go. Forget the fact there's no video, I was just trying to get the mic close enough to hear. She's just shifting nap positions. Turn up your volume!


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That is literally the cutest noise ever! It almost sounds like a whinnying noise!

My dogs just snort and huff and puff while they sleep. Never heard that type of noise from either of mine actually.

I think you just have a very special funny girl!

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That's pretty adorable. Aiko makes little girly noises similar but not exactly like that
JLO makes a similar sound when she is relaxing. :)
That is sooooo cute!!! We just get snorts and snores so loud that subtitles are required to watch TV haaaaa!
Re: Does your Frenchie "hum"?

hah! that noise is something I have never ever heard! just adorable!! :heart:
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