Does your Frenchie sleep in bed or a crate?


May 12, 2018
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Currently debating with spouse whether or not we should stop crating Daphne at night and have her sleep in bed. She is 18 months old. Her former owner crated her. Daphne loves it. She comes in from her nightly potty outing, grabs her "baby," runs upstairs and right into her crate and sits for her treats. She eats them, then finds a comfy spot on her dog bed, and goes right to sleep. She doesn't stir much at night, but wakes up like CLOCK WORK every single morning at 4:50 AM. I'm a morning person, so I get up, but here's my thought: Maybe if she sleeps in bed next to me she'll sleep a tiny bit longer. Plus, I want to cuddle with her, so there's that. My Boxer is 7 and has slept with us his entire life. My hubs does not want to "fix what isn't broken." Daphne doesn't make a peep in her crate and seems to enjoy her little space in there. When we first adopted her, we had to revisit potty training because she peed everywhere - carpets, on our bed, on blankets and furniture, etc...She is perfectly fine now - no accidents since we moved at the beginning of April. She never soils her crate, so I think he is more comfortable knowing she knows to hold it all night while in there, but maybe will have an accident if she's on the bed.

Do many of you sleep with your Frenchies? Does anyone crate at night? Her crate is right up against my side of the bed, so she's in the room with us and can see us. Should I leave it alone since she's doing so well in it at night? I thoroughly enjoy our 5 AM cuddle sessions every morning, where it's just she and I snuggling on the couch watching Forensic Files. The thought of being able to snuggle at night with her too, is appealing. Let me know your thoughts please. Thanks!


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Dec 28, 2016
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Currently debating with spouse whether or not we should stop crating Daphne at night and have her sleep in bed. She is 18 months old. Her former owner crated her. Daphne loves it. She comes in from her nightly potty outing, grabs her "baby," runs upstairs and right into her crate and sits for her treats. She eats them, then finds a comfy spot on her dog bed, and goes right to sleep. She doesn't stir much at night, but wakes up like CLOCK WORK every single morning at 4:50 AM. I'm a morning person, so I get up, but here's my thought: Maybe if she sleeps in bed next to me she'll sleep a tiny bit longer. Plus, I want to cuddle with her, so there's that. My Boxer is 7 and has slept with us his entire life. My hubs does not want to "fix what isn't broken." Daphne doesn't make a peep in her crate and seems to enjoy her little space in there. When we first adopted her, we had to revisit potty training because she peed everywhere - carpets, on our bed, on blankets and furniture, etc...She is perfectly fine now - no accidents since we moved at the beginning of April. She never soils her crate, so I think he is more comfortable knowing she knows to hold it all night while in there, but maybe will have an accident if she's on the bed.

Do many of you sleep with your Frenchies? Does anyone crate at night? Her crate is right up against my side of the bed, so she's in the room with us and can see us. Should I leave it alone since she's doing so well in it at night? I thoroughly enjoy our 5 AM cuddle sessions every morning, where it's just she and I snuggling on the couch watching Forensic Files. The thought of being able to snuggle at night with her too, is appealing. Let me know your thoughts please. Thanks!
as much as I love that he sleeps with us, know that frenchies are bed hogs and you can forget about sexy time lol. He nudges me to move all night long and usually end up hanging off the side of the bed.


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Oct 25, 2016
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Loki sleeps in his crate and then gets to snuggle in bed in the morning.

Frenchie Grrrl

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Jun 25, 2017
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I'm with your husband, and wouldn't fix what isn't broken. She's happy and feels secure in her crate, so I'd leave her there. If you feel like you need snuggle time, maybe you can try bringing her in your bed at 4:50 and see if she'll settle back down and sleep. Honestly, if Gus was waking me up at 4:50 every morning, his crate wouldn't even be in my room. LOL

Gus (now at 14 mos) mostly sleeps in a gated off area in my kitchen. Although, I'm letting him have free reign at night more often these days. He doesn't like to sleep in our beds, I think because he knows that he can't get down unassisted. He just won't settle down and either paces, or sits and stares at us. I did pull up an ottoman next to my bed the other day, when my husband was out of town, and Gus did sleep with me for the first time ever, but I honestly don't want to encourage it. I loved it, but slept horribly. He cuddled right up to me and laid his sweet little chin on my leg, but then I felt like I couldn't move. LOL


May 12, 2018
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as much as I love that he sleeps with us, know that frenchies are bed hogs and you can forget about sexy time lol. He nudges me to move all night long and usually end up hanging off the side of the bed.

Yes, that is my spouse's concern (about being squeezed out even more with a second dog on the bed). I kinda choked on my coffee at your sexy time comment. Thanks for the laugh!

- - - Updated - - -

Loki sleeps in his crate and then gets to snuggle in bed in the morning.

Sounds like the best of both worlds!


May 12, 2018
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I'm with your husband, and wouldn't fix what isn't broken. She's happy and feels secure in her crate, so I'd leave her there. If you feel like you need snuggle time, maybe you can try bringing her in your bed at 4:50 and see if she'll settle back down and sleep. Honestly, if Gus was waking me up at 4:50 every morning, his crate wouldn't even be in my room. LOL

Gus (now at 14 mos) mostly sleeps in a gated off area in my kitchen. Although, I'm letting him have free reign at night more often these days. He doesn't like to sleep in our beds, I think because he knows that he can't get down unassisted. He just won't settle down and either paces, or sits and stares at us. I did pull up an ottoman next to my bed the other day, when my husband was out of town, and Gus did sleep with me for the first time ever, but I honestly don't want to encourage it. I loved it, but slept horribly. He cuddled right up to me and laid his sweet little chin on my leg, but then I felt like I couldn't move. LOL

Sooooo....I know a 4:50 AM wake up time sounds absolutely hideous to most people, but if Daphne's former owner is to be believed, she used to wake up at 3 AM every morning because her owner commuted from Maryland to DC and had to leave her house at 4. The first couple nights we had her, she was waking up around 3 and I was in tears. Getting her to sleep almost two hours later was miraculous ;-)

Even if I take her out later at night (I go to bed around 9:30 because we wake up so early) like 10:30 ish, she still wakes up at the same time. And of course my Boxer jumps off the bed and makes all kinds of noise and the cat is meowing for her food downstairs. I just have been sucking it up and getting up. I have no idea how my 5 year old daughter can sleep through the morning noise but she does. Lots of times I end up falling back asleep on the couch until it's time for her morning walk.

I know my husband will be doing the "I told you so" dance when I show him these replies later tonight, but it DOES make the most sense to leave her be. Thanks :)

Frenchie Fanatic

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Jun 29, 2017
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Our first little boy Simon slept with us for 11 wonderful years from the time he was an eight week old puppy.
This because he would not stop crying and my wife relented.
He was fine. He really wasn't a snuggler and slept at our feet.
Our little girl Sofi is the only one that sleeps with us, but only a couple of times a week.
She starts out on a couch in our family room after we "make up" her bed with her blanket.
She'll come to my wife's side of the bed and "cough" to be brought up.
My wife will scoop her up and bring to bed with us. She snuggles in between us and snores like a freight train.
And she is a bed hog!!! :yes:
This is usually between 4:30 and 6:00am. I'm an early riser but she will stay in bed with my wife until she gets up.
My wife wanted to bring Charlie in bed with us when I first brought him home as an eight week old puppy, but I pushed back.
Charlie was wonderful in his crate from day one. He sleeps on a rattan chair after we put his blanket down on it.
Sammie, our pug sleeps on a doggie bed on my wife's side of the bed.
Our guys have the run of the house.
I will echo your husband's words,
"Don't fix what isn't broken."
You do know that if you do it once, they do not forget. You will then be committed.
Good luck with your decision.


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Mar 19, 2018
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as much as I love that he sleeps with us, know that frenchies are bed hogs and you can forget about sexy time lol. He nudges me to move all night long and usually end up hanging off the side of the bed.

I can totally appreciate the bed hog, hanging off the side of the bed quote. That is so US. We started Gracie in a crate in our bedroom. She would usually wake up about 7AM. Either my husband or I would take her for a quick potty break and then bring her into the bed with us. She would usually curl up against one of us and sleep for another hour or two. Next thing I know I woke up one morning and there she was right next to me. Apparently, my husband deposited her in our bed the previous night while I was sleeping and that, as they say, was that. She's been sleeping with us ever since. Moral of the story -- once you start letting them into your bed, there's no turning back! As much as Daphne loves her crate, I can't imagine she would love that as much as bedding down with Mom and Dad. On the other hand, since you already have a pup in bed with you, why not two?


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Aug 19, 2013
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Jax has slept in the bed with since he was a few months old. He sleeps curled up next to me and I love, love, love cuddling with him. We have a king size bed and I will tell you, I don't have much room on it. Louie, my bulldog came home just over a year ago and he slept in a crate. We moved a few months ago and Louie stayed in the crate but in our bedroom until a couple months ago. He then started sleeping in the bed and usually sleeps at the foot of the bed but I now have even less room than when it was just Jax. The boyfriend still has his half of the bed because according to him, I want the dogs in the bed which means they have to stay on my side. So while I usually get squished and trapped between the two or part of my leg is hanging off the bed, I don't know if I would stop.


May 12, 2018
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Our first little boy Simon slept with us for 11 wonderful years from the time he was an eight week old puppy.
This because he would not stop crying and my wife relented.
He was fine. He really wasn't a snuggler and slept at our feet.
Our little girl Sofi is the only one that sleeps with us, but only a couple of times a week.
She starts out on a couch in our family room after we "make up" her bed with her blanket.
She'll come to my wife's side of the bed and "cough" to be brought up.
My wife will scoop her up and bring to bed with us. She snuggles in between us and snores like a freight train.
And she is a bed hog!!! :yes:
This is usually between 4:30 and 6:00am. I'm an early riser but she will stay in bed with my wife until she gets up.
My wife wanted to bring Charlie in bed with us when I first brought him home as an eight week old puppy, but I pushed back.
Charlie was wonderful in his crate from day one. He sleeps on a rattan chair after we put his blanket down on it.
Sammie, our pug sleeps on a doggie bed on my wife's side of the bed.
Our guys have the run of the house.
I will echo your husband's words,
"Don't fix what isn't broken."
You do know that if you do it once, they do not forget. You will then be committed.
Good luck with your decision.

Aw, thanks for sharing about your night time adventures with Simon, Sofi, Charlie and Sammie. I don't know why I thought I had any say in the matter for even a minute. Husband was thrilled when he came home for his lunch break and I showed him some of the comments. Decision's made: Daphne stays in her crate!


May 12, 2018
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I can totally appreciate the bed hog, hanging off the side of the bed quote. That is so US. We started Gracie in a crate in our bedroom. She would usually wake up about 7AM. Either my husband or I would take her for a quick potty break and then bring her into the bed with us. She would usually curl up against one of us and sleep for another hour or two. Next thing I know I woke up one morning and there she was right next to me. Apparently, my husband deposited her in our bed the previous night while I was sleeping and that, as they say, was that. She's been sleeping with us ever since. Moral of the story -- once you start letting them into your bed, there's no turning back! As much as Daphne loves her crate, I can't imagine she would love that as much as bedding down with Mom and Dad. On the other hand, since you already have a pup in bed with you, why not two?

That's what I said..."We already let Sox sleep with us, what's the difference?!" Aaaaaannnnnd then I got an earful.

Your story is so cute. I think it's best I don't even try at this point because, as you say, once we do it, there will be zero turning back !


May 12, 2018
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Jax has slept in the bed with since he was a few months old. He sleeps curled up next to me and I love, love, love cuddling with him. We have a king size bed and I will tell you, I don't have much room on it. Louie, my bulldog came home just over a year ago and he slept in a crate. We moved a few months ago and Louie stayed in the crate but in our bedroom until a couple months ago. He then started sleeping in the bed and usually sleeps at the foot of the bed but I now have even less room than when it was just Jax. The boyfriend still has his half of the bed because according to him, I want the dogs in the bed which means they have to stay on my side. So while I usually get squished and trapped between the two or part of my leg is hanging off the bed, I don't know if I would stop.

This description makes me smile because I know all too well, from experience. My Boxer sleeps DIAGONAL across our king size bed. I can (and do) move him several times and he somehow always ends up back in that position. My husband is hanging off on his side and I am smushed up against Daphne's dog crate. We both have occasional back pain because of how contorted we have to sleep. I can only assume it would be far worse if adding the second dog...even in the name of snuggles!

Frenchie Grrrl

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Jun 25, 2017
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Sooooo....I know a 4:50 AM wake up time sounds absolutely hideous to most people, but if Daphne's former owner is to be believed, she used to wake up at 3 AM every morning because her owner commuted from Maryland to DC and had to leave her house at 4. The first couple nights we had her, she was waking up around 3 and I was in tears. Getting her to sleep almost two hours later was miraculous ;-)

Even if I take her out later at night (I go to bed around 9:30 because we wake up so early) like 10:30 ish, she still wakes up at the same time. And of course my Boxer jumps off the bed and makes all kinds of noise and the cat is meowing for her food downstairs. I just have been sucking it up and getting up. I have no idea how my 5 year old daughter can sleep through the morning noise but she does. Lots of times I end up falling back asleep on the couch until it's time for her morning walk.

I know my husband will be doing the "I told you so" dance when I show him these replies later tonight, but it DOES make the most sense to leave her be. Thanks :)

We got Gus at 7 wks old and he slept in our bedroom, in a little laundry basket, until 11 wks old (when he moved down to the kitchen in his crate). We were leaving the next week for a week long vacation, and I wanted to get him used to spending the nights alone before we left. He did great (he was actually always so great in the crate) and didn't whine or fuss, so I just kept him down there when we returned, as it was just easier, and he was growing out of his little basket in our bedroom.

I wonder if Daphne would sleep longer if you moved her out of your bedroom and she didn't have you right there to wake up? I know you haven't had her living with you for too terribly long, and the early mornings sort of work for you, but it sounds like torture in my mind. I feel a bit evil for suggesting it, since you were considering bringing her into your bed. I guess I REALLY value my sleep. :tongue:


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Mar 19, 2018
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It’s amazing how much bed space even a small dog takes. I never realized how big our male pug was until he started sleeping with us. He’d lay lengthwise across the bed. Even his tail would uncurl. With both his front and back legs stretched completely out I’d swear he was about three feet long. I’d be on my side, my husband would be on his side and Max would be between us. I’d look across the king side bed at a chasm the size of the Grand Canyon. If my husband and I would try to cuddle Max would walk on top of us until he could wedge himself in between. And so it was for 14 years until he passed away. Gracie has better bed manners. She just pushed us off the bed.

Frenchie Grrrl

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Jun 25, 2017
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It’s amazing how much bed space even a small dog takes. I never realized how big our male pug was until he started sleeping with us. He’d lay lengthwise across the bed. Even his tail would uncurl. With both his front and back legs stretched completely out I’d swear he was about three feet long. I’d be on my side, my husband would be on his side and Max would be between us. I’d look across the king side bed at a chasm the size of the Grand Canyon. If my husband and I would try to cuddle Max would walk on top of us until he could wedge himself in between. And so it was for 14 years until he passed away. Gracie has better bed manners. She just pushed us off the bed.

Ahhahaa! :lol:


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Apr 6, 2013
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Cheli is an alarm clock everyday at 4:30-5:00... i have to force him to lay down and go back to sleep.... he has slept with us from day one ... never sleeps past 6AM.

Don’t break what works

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Apr 6, 2013
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Jax has slept in the bed with since he was a few months old. He sleeps curled up next to me and I love, love, love cuddling with him. We have a king size bed and I will tell you, I don't have much room on it. Louie, my bulldog came home just over a year ago and he slept in a crate. We moved a few months ago and Louie stayed in the crate but in our bedroom until a couple months ago. He then started sleeping in the bed and usually sleeps at the foot of the bed but I now have even less room than when it was just Jax. The boyfriend still has his half of the bed because according to him, I want the dogs in the bed which means they have to stay on my side. So while I usually get squished and trapped between the two or part of my leg is hanging off the bed, I don't know if I would stop.

We are east/west coast twins!! Exactly my situation

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Aug 19, 2013
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This description makes me smile because I know all too well, from experience. My Boxer sleeps DIAGONAL across our king size bed. I can (and do) move him several times and he somehow always ends up back in that position. My husband is hanging off on his side and I am smushed up against Daphne's dog crate. We both have occasional back pain because of how contorted we have to sleep. I can only assume it would be far worse if adding the second dog...even in the name of snuggles!

Oh, I usually wake up every morning with kinks in my neck and back. Apparently last night Louie got up and moved over to the boyfriend's side of the bed and he kept having to move him. I think there is a market for bigger beds for people that have dogs sleep with them!


May 12, 2018
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We got Gus at 7 wks old and he slept in our bedroom, in a little laundry basket, until 11 wks old (when he moved down to the kitchen in his crate). We were leaving the next week for a week long vacation, and I wanted to get him used to spending the nights alone before we left. He did great (he was actually always so great in the crate) and didn't whine or fuss, so I just kept him down there when we returned, as it was just easier, and he was growing out of his little basket in our bedroom.

I wonder if Daphne would sleep longer if you moved her out of your bedroom and she didn't have you right there to wake up? I know you haven't had her living with you for too terribly long, and the early mornings sort of work for you, but it sounds like torture in my mind. I feel a bit evil for suggesting it, since you were considering bringing her into your bed. I guess I REALLY value my sleep. :tongue:

Oh, no, not evil at all! I totally appreciate all the suggestions and different options that I could try in order to get her to sleep a bit longer. Like I mentioned, I just deal with it now because I'm afraid if I would ignore her once she's up, she'd wake my daughter and then I'd be super pissed. At least I can go downstairs with Daph and just get on the couch and relax for another hour or so.

I work in a public school and for the public library system, so I'm out for the summer for one of my jobs. If I'm gonna try one of these suggestions, now's the time!!! Ha. Thanks again!


May 12, 2018
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It’s amazing how much bed space even a small dog takes. I never realized how big our male pug was until he started sleeping with us. He’d lay lengthwise across the bed. Even his tail would uncurl. With both his front and back legs stretched completely out I’d swear he was about three feet long. I’d be on my side, my husband would be on his side and Max would be between us. I’d look across the king side bed at a chasm the size of the Grand Canyon. If my husband and I would try to cuddle Max would walk on top of us until he could wedge himself in between. And so it was for 14 years until he passed away. Gracie has better bed manners. She just pushed us off the bed.

This is SUCH a fun, descriptive post. Thanks for sharing. I loved reading it and had a good laugh (at your expense...sorry).