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Does your Frenchie sleep in bed or a crate?

image.webp Finn has always slept with us. I have built steps so he can get up on our bed. He can go all night without having to go out!!
I sleep so much better without Bambi on the bed, but I do love it when she sleeps with us and I feel so mean when we don't bring her up on the bed. Doesn't matter that we have a king, she is always entangled in our legs or right next to my ear. :)
Twiggy sleeps with me. Between my legs on top of the cover so I can’t move at all. She is spoiled rotten though. It’s pitiful really lol.
Currently debating with spouse whether or not we should stop crating Daphne at night and have her sleep in bed. She is 18 months old. Her former owner crated her. Daphne loves it. She comes in from her nightly potty outing, grabs her "baby," runs upstairs and right into her crate and sits for her treats. She eats them, then finds a comfy spot on her dog bed, and goes right to sleep. She doesn't stir much at night, but wakes up like CLOCK WORK every single morning at 4:50 AM. I'm a morning person, so I get up, but here's my thought: Maybe if she sleeps in bed next to me she'll sleep a tiny bit longer. Plus, I want to cuddle with her, so there's that. My Boxer is 7 and has slept with us his entire life. My hubs does not want to "fix what isn't broken." Daphne doesn't make a peep in her crate and seems to enjoy her little space in there. When we first adopted her, we had to revisit potty training because she peed everywhere - carpets, on our bed, on blankets and furniture, etc...She is perfectly fine now - no accidents since we moved at the beginning of April. She never soils her crate, so I think he is more comfortable knowing she knows to hold it all night while in there, but maybe will have an accident if she's on the bed.

Do many of you sleep with your Frenchies? Does anyone crate at night? Her crate is right up against my side of the bed, so she's in the room with us and can see us. Should I leave it alone since she's doing so well in it at night? I thoroughly enjoy our 5 AM cuddle sessions every morning, where it's just she and I snuggling on the couch watching Forensic Files. The thought of being able to snuggle at night with her too, is appealing. Let me know your thoughts please. Thanks!

Hello OP,

I agree with some other posters in that I think YOU might not sleep as well with doggo in the bed. This is *one* of the reasons my frenchie (just turned 12 months) doesn't sleep with me. He is crate trained and usually falls asleep virtually instantly when crated for bed time--even for naps! (I wish I fell asleep as quickly) Personally, I think mine is too young and rowdy to sleep in bed with me yet--he usually does laps around the bed, paces, or seems fidgetty at the prospect of being up on the bed without freely being able to roam the house (as some other posters mentioned).

In summary, I want to air on the side of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" on this one! Good luck! If your pupper does end up sleeping with you, let us know how it goes! I haven't transitioned mine to this yet and wonder if that takes some training, too!
Hello OP,

I agree with some other posters in that I think YOU might not sleep as well with doggo in the bed. This is *one* of the reasons my frenchie (just turned 12 months) doesn't sleep with me. He is crate trained and usually falls asleep virtually instantly when crated for bed time--even for naps! (I wish I fell asleep as quickly) Personally, I think mine is too young and rowdy to sleep in bed with me yet--he usually does laps around the bed, paces, or seems fidgetty at the prospect of being up on the bed without freely being able to roam the house (as some other posters mentioned).

In summary, I want to air on the side of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" on this one! Good luck! If your pupper does end up sleeping with you, let us know how it goes! I haven't transitioned mine to this yet and wonder if that takes some training, too!

HI there-
Thanks for your input. We decided to leave the situation AS IS. She likes her crate and does fine in it. We sometimes bring her up for a bit to watch tv, but it is crate for actual sleeping time. We bought a new bed a few months back and it is much higher off the ground than it looked online, so I don't even really want her up there at all for fear she will injure herself jumping on and off.
If I had a choice I would prefer that Cooper slept on her dog bed by petslifeguide in the bedroom, but she normally prefers to sleep on our queen sized dog bed. Be careful what you wish for.
If I had a choice I would prefer that Cooper slept on her dog bed by petslifeguide in the bedroom, but she normally prefers to sleep on our queen sized dog bed. Be careful what you wish for.

Ha! I noticed I updated two years ago, but things have changed since my original post and update. I purchased a platform bed and Daphne sleeps with me now. I gave her crate to a friend who needed it for her dog recovering from surgery. Daphne sleeps all night long in the same spot and I enjoy snuggling with her. I sleep very poorly to begin with; I haven't noticed any difference. My two cats also sleep in bed, so it's pretty cozy :-)
Frenchies are huge bed hogs. For such a small dog, they take up a lot of the bed. I love it. Gotta carry my boy into bed every night cause the bed is too high for the little bugger. I wouldn't want to sleep any other way.
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