Currently debating with spouse whether or not we should stop crating Daphne at night and have her sleep in bed. She is 18 months old. Her former owner crated her. Daphne loves it. She comes in from her nightly potty outing, grabs her "baby," runs upstairs and right into her crate and sits for her treats. She eats them, then finds a comfy spot on her dog bed, and goes right to sleep. She doesn't stir much at night, but wakes up like CLOCK WORK every single morning at 4:50 AM. I'm a morning person, so I get up, but here's my thought: Maybe if she sleeps in bed next to me she'll sleep a tiny bit longer. Plus, I want to cuddle with her, so there's that. My Boxer is 7 and has slept with us his entire life. My hubs does not want to "fix what isn't broken." Daphne doesn't make a peep in her crate and seems to enjoy her little space in there. When we first adopted her, we had to revisit potty training because she peed everywhere - carpets, on our bed, on blankets and furniture, etc...She is perfectly fine now - no accidents since we moved at the beginning of April. She never soils her crate, so I think he is more comfortable knowing she knows to hold it all night while in there, but maybe will have an accident if she's on the bed.
Do many of you sleep with your Frenchies? Does anyone crate at night? Her crate is right up against my side of the bed, so she's in the room with us and can see us. Should I leave it alone since she's doing so well in it at night? I thoroughly enjoy our 5 AM cuddle sessions every morning, where it's just she and I snuggling on the couch watching Forensic Files. The thought of being able to snuggle at night with her too, is appealing. Let me know your thoughts please. Thanks!