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does your pup blow snot out of nose?


New member
Dec 20, 2015
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Honey B is 13 weeks and since that day i got her she frequently blows clear bubbly liquid from one side of nose..she also sneezes lil dropletts often .she has been to the vet and each time they just perscribe antibiotic using the meds doesnt help. Her nares are really tight and the extra tight side is the one that fluid come out of...is this normal? Shes my first frenchie and even the vet isnt sure if there is something wrong with her or if its because of the tight nares. Thanks
Sorry, I have no experience with this, but I'm sure someone will have helpful information soon!
My two have never had an issue with this in their noses. Sounds like your vet may not be that familiar with Frenchies??? Perhaps finding a different vet that can help her may be the answer.
Ive been to 2 diff vets both jusr prescribed clavamox... the breeder says its normal so im asking if other small nared dogs do this
Mine has pretty tight nares (though he breathes remarkably well) and he's never done this.

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Banksy sneezes and snot comes out. We think he has an allergy to something but haven't figured out what it is. It's nothing major so we're just figuring it out by trial and error. I agree though finding a vet who is familiar with flat faced breeds might be a good idea!
Radar has allergies and does the blow snot thing. I started giving him Benadryl and that seems to help reduce it and he doesn't blow as much snot. He's really active and breaths just fine so, for him, I have found it to be allergies more than small nares.

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Wally has a snotty nose sometimes and it's clear. He doesn't have allergies that I'm aware of, and our vet didn't seem too concerned as long as he breathes just fine.
Thanks everyone. ...i hate being the nervous new mom it's like when i first had my kids. ..frenchies are just so different then the average dog :D
Thanks everyone. ...i hate being the nervous new mom it's like when i first had my kids. ..frenchies are just so different then the average dog :D

don't worry....we're all like that. Thank goodness for this forum or I would be so lost and alone lol
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