Dog vs. Dog Introduction Advice

Calle Roo

New member
May 12, 2014
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Q-Roux has very limited dog vs. dog social interaction. She was at doggy daycare for an hour and she scurrying, cowarding and ran away from the pack. She also has been around 9 other days at dog training while leashed. She sniffs their nose and scurries away. And for 5-7 minutes during 2 doggy training classes the dogs were allowed off leash and Q ran around in circles trying to avoid the other dogs.

Well, this weekend I'm dog/house sitting for my friend and I've done so over the past 7 years. It's a 9 year old Vizsla who actively hunts small game and birds. The dog and I have been to the large dog park and sometimes small dogs would be there and he is easily distractible by my calls or returns when called. I'm not too worried about him with Q, but the roommates dog makes me nervous. She is 12-16 month old German Short Haired pointer. She jumps and will only get down after physically jabbing with knee or pulling down on her collar. Once you start walking she will follow at your side and mouth your arm. She also has a shock collar that I need to use and if I take her for a walk she not only has the shock collar but a pronged collar too.

At first, I was writing this to see how I can introduce them i.e. them smelling Q through crate then Q will be in her x-pen all weekend, but as I wrote the above, I realized how neurotic, untrained and needs physical correction to behave the GSP is and I don't think that's a chance I want to take with Quella.

Recommendations or just leave Q at home for my brother to watch, walk and feed? It's only a few miles from where I'm housesitting so I can come and spend a few hours at home with Q or a trip to Petsmart.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
My mind is whirling around 100 miles a minute. Yes or No? Yes or No? Yes or No? I really want to bring Quella and figure I can separate the dogs from her in one of the 3 living rooms or my room which is also an office. I can even rotate the dogs from in and outside. That way I can bring Q in the acre backyard and let her run around OFF leash for the first time ever, as well as letting her swim in her lifejacket to get her acclimated to the water.


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
We've always opted for socialization over isolation/confinement for our dogs...I say let dogs be dogs and let them have some fun.

(P.S. - a shocking collar + pronged collar = crazy!! :( )
Is there someone that can go over there with you to help you when introductions are first done? It sounds as if the GSP is a handful and you made need some help.
Hudson gets along with literally EVERY dog he has ever met. However, my roommate just got a 70 pound pitbull mix. She goes out of her way to try to attack him, every chance she gets. He stays in my room most of the time now, and all of the time if she is out in the apartment. I am literally moving because I can't take this. With some dogs you just don't know, and sometimes it just plain doesn't work. If it were me, I wouldn't put Hudson in a position to be exposed to a dog that was that out of control. At the very least I would keep them separate, and my preference would be to leave him elsewhere.
With a dog savvy dog I wouldnt worry too much but from your describtion Quella is the opposite.
I too usually believe in ' let dogs be dogs and communicate their way' however this is only possible if at least one of the dogs has been very well socialized.
How is the GSP with other dogs? Do they regulary meet other and especially all different kinds of dogs?( young,old,skiddish,dominant)

I would also tend to having at least one other person with you so that you guys can interfer IF something goes wrong.
I'm pretty sure the GSP is well socialized as they have block parties often and all the dogs get to interact. My friend said Q can go over there for the weekend, so I'd assume he would've said no if the GSP was wreck less. I'm hoping she's just hyper and as my friend kept saying 'still a puppy'. I'm going to bring Q and leave her in the crate for the dogs to sniff or even have the dogs on the outside of the patio door and Q on the inside so they can see each other. Then put Q in her 4x4 exercise pen and hold the dogs on their leashes one at a time to go and visit Quella. I'd assume this may take a few hours tonight with different methods. Q will sleep in her crate with the dogs in another room and by the morning we can go for a walk w/Q in her stroller and come back for swims with the dogs while Q is inside them Q will have a turn. I had a Weimaraner named Gracen Roo before Quella and she was the most passive unplayful Velcro dog imaginable, yet could hold her own and escape more active dogs at the park, so this is all new to me. I held off on Quella's spay surgery by a week so that she could get the interaction with other dogs, so I'm going to try. If Q doesn't even make it out of the crate, no big deal. I'll get the dogs walked, fed and backyard time, then I'll take Quella home....
Well, that went well. The Vizsla had no interest in Q; however the GSP was pawing at her cage and if I let them walk around the kitchen/living space, she would nip and paw Q a little too rough for my comfort level. When the dogs were outside, I'd let Q have access to the house so she wasn't in her x-pen all night. Unfortunately Q was awake every hour and would wake me by jumping on her x-pen. I'm glad it went so well and that we can cohabitate for another night.

Thanks everyone for added input and listening to me ramble. :D

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!

Glad it is going well. They all look peaceful in the 2nd picture!
I'm glad it is going well. Also, I'm glad to see what an x pen is. I've heard of those but never knew what they were. I have one! We like to camp and I set it up on the outdoor carpet under the awning of the camper so when I can't be holding a leash or whatever they can sit right by us. I've probably had it for 10 to 12 years and it is still in great shape. So, it's a very good investment. Sorry, I got off topic. :eek:
Everything went well, with the exception of the GSP trying to sledgehammer Q with her paw and the Vizsla would growl and bark at her as well when Q was trying to play. Thank goodness for crates, x-pen and a small dog that I was able to get out of the house for time away with mommy. Looks like I'm house/dog sitting again towards the end of the month. Quella's shoulders and head would naturally sink in the pool, so I held her up by her harness to let her swim. I then held her as I went deeper in the pool so she felt the water up to her neck. She did really well and I'm glad she wasn't overwhelmed.
Q-Roux and I are dog/house sitting again for a friend and they welcomed a new dog named Sadie. She is a lil Chihuahua and won't come anywhere near me. She hides, growls and barks at me and even hid in the dryer. Once the two bigger dogs came in after dinner she finally did come out for a few moments and I was able to snap a quick picture of all four of them together before she scurried outside. Now I have Quella being a lil instigator and wanting to rough house with the bigger dogs but she keeps getting whacked with their big paws and I've had to cool her off in the sink twice so far. We're on hour 2 of dog/house sitting, so I'm anticipating a long weekend.




XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Sounds like Q is excited to be there. She thinks she is a big dog too! That poor little chihuahua. I pet sit for a friend sometimes and one of her dogs is a TINY 3 pound Yorkie. She is scared of everything and hides from me in the house. Do you know how hard it is to find a 3 pound hiding dog in a 5500 square foot house? Not easy.
What a great looking pack! Q looks like she is asking permission to got bounce
Chihuahuas are so goofy.

My SIL's was so guardy until I pulled out my shaker cup. Now all 3 of the dogs can play and she doesn't jump on her moms lap and growl and squeak and make obnoxious noises! ;)