Hang in there. Puppies grow up quickly and before you know it they will be full grown and you will miss the puppy stage. In response to your question, every puppy is different and it depends on how diligent you are with training and redirecting behavior. The more consistent you are the faster the puppy will learn. I have had pups learn and stop biting at the age of 12 weeks and some NEVER out grow it if they are not given rules and boundaries to live by.
Be consistent with your training. When Draco bites at your hands ALWAYS grab a toy and pay with that. NEVER play with him with your hands or allow his mouth on your hands. It should always be a strict NO when that happens and then grab a toy and play with that. Encourage that behavior. It will take time. Also be sure everyone in the house is on the same page with training. My biggest challenge with most families is that one or two people understand but then the kids or (sorry guys) the husbands want to play rough with them with their hands and the dogs get confused on what is ok and what is not. Consistency is the key to all training.