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FAQ: What do you feed your Frenchie?


I have just recently adopted a frenchie and i am feeding him what he has been getting while fostered.

I dont think this is working for him as he has the runs off and on so i was wondering if anyone could suggest the best type of food?

I have been advised to give him dried food containing rice and lamb. He is currently getting Baxters dried food
Hudson has been on both the frozen and the freeze dried. He does better on the frozen but the freeze dried is easier to deal with for sure!

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That's what my thought was, especially for traveling/camping.....
I just read some reviews about Fromm foods and a lot of the dog owners switched from the pricier Fromm, to the Fromm Family Classics Adult Formula. It's quite a bit cheaper than, for instance, Beef Frittata. Quite a few said their dogs stopped itching with the cheaper formula too. My dog licks his paws a lot and rubs his face on the carpets. He doesn't have yeast, no odors. I'd like to order today because I want to get him started ASAP. Any of you tried this cheaper version?
I am so glad that I found this forum. My Nellie is 12 weeks old. She's been through a lot and still pretty sick. In the last two weeks she has been battling parvo, worms, giarda, vomiting/regurgitating, and now aspiration pneumonia! My poor little girl but she's strong and fighting. Since we only had her a few days before she got sick we were feeding her royal canin puppy food (semi dry kibble). It is the food the breeder gave us and what the vet recommended. She ate that for th two days she was ok but with mixed in a little bit of water to make it soft. Since she's been out of the hospital she's been eating canned royal canin development puppy wet food. She is handling that ok but with the continued throwing up and regurgitating I can't tell if the food is impacting her. Does anyone have any experience with the royal canin brand? Is it any good? Because my baby has been through so much I'm trying to find a good puppy probiotic to add to her food to help rebuild her gut health. She's currently on another course of antibiotics, Pepcid and two anti-nausea meds. All of these will likely have a negative effect on her stomach. After she finishes the canned food they gave us from the hospital, I plan to go back to the kibble royal canin. So any advice for what to feed a growing and recovering puppy will be greatly appreciated.
[MENTION=1917]MunasG[/MENTION] Oh poor baby. She's beautiful though! Royal Canin seems to get terrific reviews. The only thing I will say is that our other dogs (non frenchies) have very sensitive stomachs and it didn't work for them. My Ella, on the other hand (also all black, lol, aside from a bit of a white arrow mark) has been through every type of raw, packaged or pre-made food I can think of and still has stomach issues. I originally had wanted to cook for her, so that (just my experience) is the only thing that has fixed her stomach (and allergy problems too!).

It's so hard when they're suffering in any way. You just always want to fix them no matter what!
Royal Canin is a horrible food.
Please do not feed Royal Canin. Its so high in sugar and the ingredients are of low quality and very questionable.

Also make sure to give probitics after all these antibiotics, because they kill all bacteria, including the 'good' gut bacteria.
Wow! Thanks for the comments. I better find other food options. Why would vets recommend the brand so much of its not good for our babies? I've had three different vets give me that brand of food for my Nellie. I'll research other brands
Wow! Thanks for the comments. I better find other food options. Why would vets recommend the brand so much of its not good for our babies? I've had three different vets give me that brand of food for my Nellie. I'll research other brands

They get a kick back from the company
Wow! Thanks for the comments. I better find other food options. Why would vets recommend the brand so much of its not good for our babies? I've had three different vets give me that brand of food for my Nellie. I'll research other brands

They work on comission.
Also,they dont get a lot of nutrition training, and the training they do get is always sponsored by these big names.
They work on comission.
Also,they dont get a lot of nutrition training, and the training they do get is always sponsored by these big names.

So true. Never take food advice from a vet. Just look at all the Science Diet junk that almost all of them sell out of their business!
Thats crazy. She has been very gassy on the royal canin canned food. I am thinking of switching her or adding a probiotic for now and seeing what happens. I will try Fromms gold in the pink bag and see. Thank you all
Thats crazy. She has been very gassy on the royal canin canned food. I am thinking of switching her or adding a probiotic for now and seeing what happens. I will try Fromms gold in the pink bag and see. Thank you all

Good choice!
Thats crazy. She has been very gassy on the royal canin canned food. I am thinking of switching her or adding a probiotic for now and seeing what happens. I will try Fromms gold in the pink bag and see. Thank you all
Great choice. We fed that before we switched to a raw fresh diet! They loved it. Gold heartland fromm

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Thats crazy. She has been very gassy on the royal canin canned food. I am thinking of switching her or adding a probiotic for now and seeing what happens. I will try Fromms gold in the pink bag and see. Thank you all
Great choice. We fed that before we switched to a raw fresh diet! They loved it. Gold heartland fromm

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Hi all, so I bought the fromms gold pink bag. I started her on it yesterday and mixed in a quarter teaspoon of coconut oil and probiotic. Her gas seems to be dissipating. She still farts loudly but it's not smelly! Lol I'll see how she continues to do on this food. Thanks for the tips! Now if only someone can show me how to potty train her, I won't have a worry in the world! ��
We feed 3/4 Grandma Lucy's Freeze dried raw & 1/4 Taste of the wild kibble.

I do this for a couple of reasons:
1. I believe raw is the way to go - however I have a demanding schedule & just cant fit preparing a raw diet for 3 dogs into it. So the freeze dried alternative was the compromise.
2. While raw has the best nutritional value, I still think they need a hard food for dental health, hence the taste of the wild.

My dogs have never looked better, My "skin issue" dog (surprisingly enough, not the Frenchie) no longer gets hot spots, dandruff, or red irritated skin. My other "naughty" dog that got into the garbage constantly, has completely stopped ripping into the garbage bins. It didn't click for me until then that his garbage issue was nutritional not behavioral. I didn't really realize how below the bar most dog foods are until I began researching raw alternatives & after seeing the difference in my own dogs, It would take a lot for me to go back.

The cons?

It's expensive images-2.webp
I have my French bulldog on royal Cani advised by the vet , we have only had him a week but the vet told us change is food right away coz he pooed in there and she said that not good change him now,we have but still sloppy poo like an ice cream curl .
Do you purchase this brand on line?

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Do you ever feed your pup table food?
Do you purchase this brand on line?

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Do you ever feed your pup table food?

Which brand are you referring to? Most can be purchased online.

Table food... depends , we give some fruit and veggies but no grains or starchy foods

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