Ozzy chases this darn "teaser" ball up and down the hill until he's exhausted.
What's your guy/girls favorite toy?
Good thread!!
Great pic of your little man!
Charlie's favorite toy is a tennis ball. He will bring to me, drop it and bark at me.
He wants me or my wife to chase him, but he doesn't go far. He will just stand there and dare you
to try and get it. If you walk away, he will come after you and tease you with it. Hilarious!!
Sofi is not into toys as much. She has a high prey drive and enjoys hunting lizards and anything else that moves..
ducks, opossums, squirrels, birds, snakes, frogs, (frogs are not good because of bufo toads).
She and Sammie do enjoy roughhousing with Charlie. They have a blast together!! :yes:
Squeak squeak squeak!!!!!
I feel like I've posted this pic here before, so not sure if there is a similar thread, but Gus' favorite toy BY FAR has been "Hedgie," who Gus received as a gift from our friend when we first brought him home. In the last two weeks, or so, Gus has branched out a bit and has been playing more with some of his other toys. On one hand, I am happy because I want him to learn the names of some of his other toys, but I am also super weird and feel bad that Hedgie might get his feelings hurt. :ashamed: