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May 28, 2014
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Aw man, so currently chowder is on Sentinel Spectrum (oral) & also frontline plus topical. we used the frontline topical 3 days ago (sunday) and when we took chowder out for a walk last night i noticed another flea got a chance to jump on him. (near his anus) Im just getting really frustrated because I almost feel like its inevitable, and chowder just started sleeping with us.

Let me know what you guys think.
Must have a bad flea problem outside seems like. Fortunately we don't here, so the Sentinel is the only thing we use for fleas. The bad part is you can't do much about fleas where you walk.
I've had issues with my dogs still picking up fleas while on Frontline, so I switched to Advantix and haven't noticed any sense. I also treat my entire yard which seems to help a lot.
So frustrating. I won't be much help though because I don't use anything on my two. Good luck!
are you sure it was a flea and not a gnat? My EB gets gnat land on her butt all the time... never had fleas with her either
SentineI at our home, hope you manage to get rid of the fleas for aII your sakes - what area do you Iive in that is that infested
I used Frontline Plus for a little over a year and never had any flea issues. Just this month I switched to Sentinel Spectrum and hopefully will continue to have no issues.
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