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Frenchie Farts... Does anything work to lessen them or their potency?

Tracee Tucker

New member
Jan 2, 2016
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Our puppy is on a RAW diet. I read about giving your French Bulldog "Forti-Flori" so we sprinkle it on her food. I can't say it has helped much? Are they normally gassy dogs and does anything work to lessen them and their smell?
Does your dog gulp down his food? Sometimes thats how they swallow a lot of air,which makes them gassy.

But it could also come from an unbalanced gut flora. Id try a different probiotic. Kefir usually works well.
Any gas problems we've had with our Bulldogs have been food related.
could it be the protein you are feeding is not agreeing with them?
I agree that it could be food related. Perhaps a different protein would help.
Wally is a gulper when he eats and even though I give him plain yogurt he still farts. However, it's not as bad as it used to be so maybe try some probiotic yogurt or kefir.
Our puppy is on a RAW diet. I read about giving your French Bulldog "Forti-Flori" so we sprinkle it on her food. I can't say it has helped much? Are they normally gassy dogs and does anything work to lessen them and their smell?

What do you feed them? Our pups have been stinky lately so we are trying a different protein and higher quality kibble. I know you said you feed raw but what does it consist of?
Try rotating through different brands/proteins of food for a few weeks and see if anything helps. The probiotics should help to some extent too.
Our frenchie is a little toots magoots but our puppy trainer told us about GobStopper. It's a little plastic piece that sections to the inside of the dog bowl and makes it difficult for her to swallow her food so quickly. This has helped us tremendously!!
Frenchies fart a lot and they stink. But there is good news. As your puppy grows, his cloud of fart will get worse and worse as he ages which will be second nature to you after awhile because you will get used to it and you wont even care about it by the time he is an adult :)
We switched to a raised bowl and that helped with gas and burping. As others have mentioned, the protein can also contribute to it. Beezy doesn't tolerate beef well and will have terrible gas if we feed it, but she's essentially toot-free on bison, rabbit, and goat. She also gets plain kefir Monday through Saturday and some Bene-Bac on Sunday to help keep her gut flora in check. It's really rare for her to be gassy now. So, a gassy dog is not something you have to live with. Keep a diary of sorts when you're feeding different proteins and see what kind of reactions you get. That'll help you decide what to feed and what to avoid.