Well, this will be my last update. Bruno's demodex was fully treated, neutered, vaccinated and things continued to decline. He went from attacking my husband to getting into fights with my deutsch drahthaar (a very large dog) about 3 times per day, sometimes I was able to see that a fight was going to break out and diffuse the situation but most of the time I was not. Bruno received several minor bites and a few that were pretty bad but none that required a vet visit. I myself was bit twice by my drahthaar while trying to break up fights. It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but in the end I had to re-home Bruno for his own safety. Writing this is so hard, I miss him so much, he was such a special dog to me and I loved him dearly. I just pray that his next family loves him as much as I do.