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May 28, 2014
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man these stinky little suckers :( im a little worried, we're on day 3 for panacur (given to us by his vet) his stool was getting more firm and better the first day but it seems like its getting more loose. His belly feels very tight and bloated :( i really hope at the end of the 5 days treatment plan this will clear up. Seems like chowder brought this when he came home (always had a bit of a loose stool) but the doctors confirmed that it was giardia.

Does the medicine Panacur it self make his stool more loose and am i seeing it work by seeing mucous? i hate to show you guys graphic photos but here is a photo of his stool

any input or suggestions would be awesome. first time frenchie owner and im a little concerened :(

Jax has had giardia twice and the slimy poop is from the parasite. He was on the meds for 7 days and by the end, his stool was much better. I have heard that sometimes the first round of medicine does not work.
yuck. i really hope it will clear away soon. Hopefully slimey poop means the meds are working and the parasites are on their way out> i hate to see chowder like this. :( its only been a week since hes been home hahaha poor thing
Jax had it when I brought him home as well.
There were two drugs both times my EB had this.... Panacur and metromitezol (sp?) .... Both times Banks got it was from eating rabbit poo in the yard, something to watch for in the future.

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Chowder just finished his 5 day dose of panacur yesterday. Still loose stool. :( I'm hoping that's because of his puppy stage and the giardia is clear. We drop off a stool sample at 7/15 so it's a waiting game... So frustrating
Why do you have to wait so long to take in a stool sample?
I think the 7 day recheck prob applies if there are no symptoms. If there are loose stools I would recheck right away. Waiting to hear if my puppy's is gone. But she never had symptoms or cysts, only antibodies. Best of luck hope your baby feels better!

So we just brought over pictures of stool to our vet today they prescribed another 5 day regiment of panacur and some metronizadole twice aday and some pro biotics. Hopefully this will calm down the stool and we'll see improvement. We'll also bring in a stool sample on the 15th as we'll cause that's when chowders 2nd vaccinations are due. I know many puppies go through this, I just want this chapter to be over with so we can make sure chowder is good. There are no behavior changes at all so that's cool.
Now that you have both meds... He should kick it in a few days.

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You may also want to cut back how much you are feeding by just a little bit, the stool looks like overfed as well and I digested. Hope he feels better soon!

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You can also give him a little bit of pure canned pumpkin.
Poor Chowder (and owner).

I know exactly what you're going through. When I brought Q-Roux home, she had runny poo, which I assumed was from the stress of a new home and people and it would take her over 12 hours to eat her breakfast or dinner food portion (no appetite). Her poo sample at her first vet visit showed Giardia and she was put on Panacur. The poo while on treatment was still runny and had clear gel like substance in it. Roughly a week after the treatment, at the vet for her next set of vaccinations, the poo still showed the parasite, so she was put on Metronidazole for 10 days and within 4-5 days her poo had firmed up and she developed an appetite and ate all of her food in one sitting. She didn't seem like she was in any sort of discomfort other than the look or embarrassment when she went pooty-poo and it made noises (toot toot) and disgust because of a dirty booty area. If anything, our pups are lucky to have such patient, caring owners, because some people would be in rage if their pups had sloppy poo accidents on the floor. We eagerly get on all fours to clear it up, but only after we pet, console our sick flat faced creatures.

XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Try not to worry Tony. I went through 3 rounds of Panacur, Metronidazole and something else too and we put him on the ID diet which we then learned he is severly allergic to CORN. That is the main ingrediant in the ID diet and he was scratching constantly all day. He rubed raw spots on himself. It took a solid month to get rid of the campylobactor and giardia. Hang in there. It will clear....but may take some time.
Hello my puppy also has giardia. This was told by our Vet. she gave us Metronidazole for 7 days for Mase to have with its food. He was doing a bit better but then after the medicine the next day Mase ate some of his poop. so i believe it came back. Has anyone ever tried to use Safeguard plus to fix this problem?
Hello my puppy also has giardia. This was told by our Vet. she gave us Metronidazole for 7 days for Mase to have with its food. He was doing a bit better but then after the medicine the next day Mase ate some of his poop. so i believe it came back. Has anyone ever tried to use Safeguard plus to fix this problem?

Jax has had giardia twice and both times it went away with the medicine. He doesn't eat his poop so I'm not sure about that but I do know sometimes it can be stubborn to get rid of and another round of medicine might be needed.
Both of my pups were on the two meds and it takes some time to clear up. I can't remember exactly how long, but I remember giving that powder in their food for quite some time.