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Dec 31, 2014
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I have read a lot here from new puppy owners who are battling giardia and also different suggestions from folks in the know. Are puppies born with it? Is it passed on from the mother, or how do they get it? If one pup has it, do they all have it? It seems so difficult to get rid of.
Puppies have a weakened immune system compared to adult dogs, so about 50% of them become infected with giardia since it is so common in the environment. Many adult dogs have giardia living in their bowels but it doesn't bother them. If one puppy gets a giardia infection it's recommended to treat all the dogs in the house, to avoid re-infection.
Jax had it when we got him and found out after we took him to the vet for his first check up and did a fecal. It cleared up after the first round of treatment. He got it once more after that and again, it cleared up after the first round of treatment. It does seem to be common. Jax )and the other dogs) at his daycare have to get a fecal exam every 6 months in order to be able to go.
It is very infectious too so if a pup gets it, you have to bleach the area to ensure it is fully cleaned or they could just keep getting it.
Agree with others, it is very contagious, and they can pick it up anywhere. That's why when they are very young we don't take them anywhere until they get 4 or 5 months old and still very careful as to where we take them. I do not like dog parks, as you can pick up anything there.
When we travel with the dogs we don't walk them in the pets only area at the rest stop, that's a good place for them to catch something.
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