can I also ask a question..... I see prices anywhere from $1800-$14,000 for puppies. What is a fair price for a female frenchie with Full AKC registration and no strings? (NOT because I want to breed, I just want to be able to show and I do not sterilize my dogs for health reasons). I can give more info if needed but honestly can't seem to find this information anywhere. It's like the Holy Grail. No one wants to reveal it. Before I make my decision, I would like to know if I'm paying a fair price. Also-- do people who health test charge more? I'd love to get a quality pup from health tested parents with full AKC but can't seem to find how much a pup like that would cost--- the complete lack of any information about this makes me afraid that the price would be astronomical. I just read a book on French Bulldogs last night and it says--I swear--- a quality female pup should be around $1500. I about fell out of bed. It's not an old book either lol though it was written by a lady from the UK. *** I want a girl because I have 3 girls and a neutered boy and don't want an intact boy with my girls and my boy doesn't do well with other males. as I said before I don't sterilize for at least several years for health reasons. I currently have an 8 year old spayed female chi (titled, never bred), a 3 1/2 year old intact female German Shepherd (never bred, titled, all health tests), a 2 1/2 year old intact female chi (never bred, no plans to breed, will most likely spay around age 5) and a 5 year old neutered male cane Corso (never bred-- he's only neutered because he was diagnosed with hip dysplasia at 7 months old and breeder required it, otherwise he'd be intact but never bred).