

New member
Sep 11, 2016
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I need my pup Mikkel to start like his bed, so he can rest there instead of running behind me 24/7. I have decided to buy a cage, will pick it up on sunday. Can anyone give me some advice on how to get him used to cage and bed? He Will still sleep in my bed at Night. I Think he need to rest instead of watching my every move. He is not 4 months old yet, was born on 23/09-16. Be aware that in Scandinavia we write date different from USA and GB. Hope this makes sense, and sorry for my pretty poor english/American [emoji6]

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Most bulldog breeds are 'velcro dogs' which means they LOVE and need to be with their humans... if you want to crate him for periods of time it is fine but know he most likely will cry knowing you are home... you can crate while away and he will sleep.

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Maybe get him a hard rubber KONG for extreme chewers and put a treat inside so he has something to do while he is crated and you are at home. My boys love their crates, we call them their houses! Like Christine said, he will cry but you just have to ignore it.
Frenchies can be clingy. Personally I love how Jake loves to be near me (on my lap now as I am typing this). Try and get him used to the crate in small increments with treats for going in. You could also try putting the crate in a xpen leaving the door open so he gets used to it like a bed. That's what worked for us.