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Hi - newbie here


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Apr 20, 2015
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I'm a newbie from Mass. looking to get my first Frenchie. My last dog was a Cairn Terrier. Right now just in the research phase and looking for breeder recommendations - via PM per the rules


:smileywelcome: Garet! This is a great site for learning and sharing. I'm too far away (Oregon) to be helpful with breeders, but I'd start with recommendations from The French Bulldog Club of Mass. and work out from there. Look for a breeder that breeds for health and temperament!
Welcome! I'm in Canada so I wouldn't be much help with finding a breeder. I would check out breeder links from the official club sites. Good luck with your search!
I can't help with breeders but I just wanted to say hi and welcome. Frenchies are a fantastic breed. I'm waiting impatiently for mine.
:welcome3: to FBN .... best of luck with your search!
Welcome garetjax! Don't forget to inquire about older adults. That is how we happened on Bambi and she is wonderful. You will be so smitten; they are unlike any other dog - and we have loved all of our dogs. They just have such huge personalities besides the fact that they are adorable.
Welcome to the site and good luck with your search. as [MENTION=1070]Mavis[/MENTION] has said, don't forget about the older ones. Sometime show breeders will hang onto a pup thinking they will be a good show prospect and as they get older, they nay not turn out the way they want and will place them in a pet home, or they will retire a female that they were breeding and will spay her and then place her in a loving pet home.
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