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How long to fully potty train?

Bentley is basically there. He hasn't had any accidents in a long time.
He did poop inside last night but it's because I couldn't take him outside due to the remeinents of Tropical Storm Erika. It was raining and gusting like crazy. I wasn't going to subject him to that.
Rocko started peeing right since 6 months old, no matter where and no matter what pee pad he will get it done on it.
Rambo on the other hand, at 7 months is still peeing everywhere. It seems that he does not know that his bladder is filling up and therefore pees when it reaches full.
Bentley has been good for awhile until yesterday. But he went on a crazy terrorising spree. Even chew through my phone when I was sleeping. He's being a huge brat these last couple days. Basically doing whatever he wants to do.
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