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Howdy from Tulsa, Oklahoma!


New member
Feb 29, 2016
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Hello Everyone! My name is Deborah and I am a first time frenchie owner and completely obsessed with our little pup nugget! She is out little toots magoots but we still love her to pieces. I cannot tell you how happy I am to have found this community. Frenchies are such a unique breed it's hard to take suggestions and advice from other dog owners who don't have them simply because their bodies and diets are so different from others. I absolutely love seeing everyone else's photos!! Thank you for sharing! Avett just turned 4 months old so we are happy the crate training went off without a hitch and the potty training is a work in progress. We still have some accidents in the house but mainly when we are guests at other people's homes. We are getting used to our daily schedule and I'll admit, it's hard to go back to work when I come home and see her for lunch.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day!

My goodness she is adorable... Such a sweet face!

:welcome3: to FBN

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:FBNwelcome: Avett, you are too cute :loveeyes:
Welcome...Avett is a cutie pie! We live in the Seattle area but Jax came from Tulsa!

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Oh I just love little cream puffs! She is so adorable. Welcome:)
No way!?! We looked in Tulsa and didn't have much luck. We ended up having to drive about 45 minutes away to find her! Jax is so handsome. I'm hoping my finace will let us get a little boy after Avett turns a year old. I feel she needs a partner in crime :)
Welcome; I love your sweet girl. You are in good company here because we are all crazy about our frenchies, and I agree about the tips and advise available on this forum. How old is Toots? :D
[MENTION=1791]avettsmom[/MENTION], if you haven't already, you may want to become a 4 Paws member. You get to vote on the Frenchie of the Month contests and those pictures are absolutely adorable. Also, I think you can participate in the Christmas card exchange and Secret Santa if you want to sign up for them. This was my first Christmas on the forum and it was so much fun.
Avett is a pretty name!

Welcome to FBN!

I 100% agree that people who do not own frenchies, cannot speak for frenchies! It drives me crazy when people try to tell me what to do with my dogs or won't listen to me simply because this breed is so unique! It's also the very best breed ;)

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