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I am a buffoon

^^ Yeah, this. I see videos of Bisou at day care and she has so much fun with those other dogs, I want her to have that much fun all the time. Plus, these dogs are just so awesome. Oh well, you can't take your money with you, right? May as well spend it on some Frenchies!

We are over the moon with our Frenchies. My husband and I are both home and empty nesters. So when our two bull terriers passed (two yrs. apart) we actually thought we would enjoy not having the responsibility of owning a dog. I was miserable. My Boomer passed 12-12-12 and we had a Frenchie by March, 2013! Then 9 mos. later we got our little Stella on Christmas day. I wish I could have more, but my husband is already saying we need a bigger bed!
It's so funny how they impact your lives so quickly. My boyfriend and I are dog people, but weren't able to have one when we rented. The minute we closed on our house, I immediately started lobbying to get a dog. Took about 4 years, and I had to promise that I would be completely responsible for it. Today, less than a year after bringing Bisou home, she has become such a huge part of our lives I can't imagine going back to an empty house. And the boyfriend gladly takes care of her. She'd been taken out to potty this morning before I even got out of bed! Next summer is the target for number two. Boyfriend is hesitant, but he'll be delighted when we bring home a boy for him ;)
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