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Ice Cream Day


New member
Aug 9, 2014
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Rosie has been doing very well in obedience training that today we decided to treat her to a Dairy Queen cone. She had a blast with it. Do others do this every once in a while?
Ice cream.webp
ice cream 1.webp
ice cream 2.webp
Awwww sweet baby, and congrats for her good work. We haven't given any of ours that type of treat but in the summer time we make some special treats out of plain yogurt and Peanut butter, then freeze little bite sized pieces and they love them.
It looks like she really enjoyed her treat. Well deserved! :)
Greta job on her training classes! I have never done DQ, but to hide pills I use lactose free vanilla ice cream -- they love it
So cute!! What a lucky girl! I want ice cream now. lol!

I like the yogurt & peanut butter idea. I'm going to try that this summer for my pups.
Aww cute pics. of her enjoying her special treat. We've never done this with our dogs because they have pretty sensitive tummies.
Awwww; what a little lady. Love her dress. She is a gorgeous color. Did the ice cream give her gas?
Can your post be any sweeter???? pun intended!
She did very well and no issues what so ever after eating it.
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