I'm new and I have a question


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Apr 6, 2015
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I'm new to this site and looking for some good advice. We have a 10-year-old female frenchie named Penny. We adopted her when she was 3, after she had several litters of pups and her owners wanted to retire her. Since then, she's been an awesome dog for our family. She showed some dog aggressive tendencies early on, even though she was surrounded by dogs at her former home. So we gave up trying to take her to the dog park and other social places in the first year of having her after seeing a few near-fights. She tolerates neighbor dogs who come into our yard. She definitely has a prey instinct when it comes to the rabbits and birds in our large yard. But she is kind and gentle with every person. Really a fantastic personality with people and kids. Definitely submissive to all humans in the house, lazy, loving, and snuggly. She doesn't act at all like a senior - runs with the kids when they rollerblade, etc.

So my question is, do you think we can add a puppy to our family? We are considering adding an English Bulldog pup. Prior to having Penny, we had an English and love the breed. We suspect she may love having a puppy and may feel her mother's instinct kick back in after all these years. If we try, does the gender of the new pup matter? It will be 8 weeks old when we adopt, if we move forward, and right now we can choose either a male or female. We are leaning towards female because Penny's personality has been so great, but reading a lot of female-to-female aggression in bullies. Just not sure we need to worry about that with such an age gap? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
I think she would be much more likely to get along with a puppy rather than had you added an adult to the family. She would probably also be more likely to get along with a male than a female. That's not to say she wouldn't get along with a female, but you probably have a better chance of her getting along with a male. :)
:welcome3: to FBN...... you are correct, she will take to a puppy much better in her own home... the gender issues can be hit/miss, but chances are much better that opposite will bond better and have less spats
I would lean more towards a male pup as well.
:smileywelcome: to you and Penny! My advice is to go with a male puppy, too!
Welcome! I too think a male puppy is your best bet. They also generally seem to be more easygoing and willing to go with the flow. Not all of them, but the majority that I have met.

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Welcome to the site and I agree with the others, she should do better with a pup, than an older dog, and usually male, female get along better than two of the same sex.
I think if we would've gotten a 2nd female, even if we got a puppy, our 1 year old female wouldn't have taken it so well. She's taken to our little boy pretty well, but sometimes at first was pretty sketchy about him.