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IVDD warning signs?


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Sep 9, 2014
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About 1 week ago Einstein, my 6 month Frenchie, suddenly started limping. We are careful about not letting him jump off of furniture although he is a very active little puppy. I called the vet and they told me to check for any signs of pain and since there were none they told me to wait to see if he was fine in 48 hours. Einstein was fine so they let me know it was probably a strain.

Suddenly Einstein has been acting very strange. We left him at our friend's house on Friday and Saturday and they have a little pug. Einstein and the pug played all weekend and he seemed really happy to see us when we picked him up. After a while though he began acting VERY lethargic and just not himself. He will suddenly make noises for no reason or stop responding to us. He also does this stretching thing and gets really stiff at the end which he never did. Initially we chalked it off as him being tired or maybe hungry (could the pug have eaten his food?). I got really worried and spent all night reading about IVDD. I told myself I would take him to the vet first thing in the morning (this morning). Then when I woke up Einstein seemed totally normal. He was fine all day but in the early evening he went through an episode where he was very distant and he would do the random squelching. Our good friend commented that he seemed odd and then I knew it wasn't me. As I got dressed to go to the vet though suddenly Einstein snapped out of it and started acting fine.

Now its almost 5 am and I am reading about IVDD again and I am terrified. I know Einstein is just a puppy and anything can be making him act weird but I am still worried. Does IVDD have any pre warning signs?
I have heard people talk about paralysis but are there any signs leading up to that point????

I don't want to take my baby to have an MRI and a whole ton of tests just because I am really neurotic but at the same time I am so worried about him.
Some of what you describe, Cheli does on a regular basis.... he will just freeze in place and not look, turn or move for no reason - then he just goes about his business when he is ready to. Everything else you mention seems to be a puppy that had a great weekend playing and running and just needed a rest. My EB's used to go to dog daycare once a week and they would literally sleep for two days after.

I have no experience with IVDD so I am not sure of any warning signs or symptoms . good luck -- I hope it is nothing, but please keep us posted
He is 6 months old, so I'm praying it's just growing pains he's experiencing. Especially after a hard day of play his young developing muscles may have been sore. His bones muscles and joints are really growing at this age. You could give him a joint supplement to see if that helps.

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I would give him a day to two to see if he gets back to normal. as others have said, he could be sore from playing so hard.
I have a 6 month old and she does "big stretches" and "freezes" at the end and holds the pose.

She has also sprained her hip.

Are we sure we aren't talking about the same dog? Haha!

I wouldn't worry, but if it gets visibly and obviously worse over a couple of weeks? Then I'd worry.
We often over worry about our furbabies myself included but most often aII that is needed is some time - hope it aII works out fingers and paws crossed
Same thing happened to my frenchie today. He is almost 2 years old. He has very little control on the rear legs and he limps. We took him to the vet and got diagnosed with IVDD. They gave him shots so he can get better. Hopefully he does. How is your frenchie doing now?
I hope all your little guy needs is some good old fashioned rest!
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