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Leia almost choked!


New member
Dec 15, 2013
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This is not about Maple but Leia, my cat. But this is helpful information for ANY Pet owner to know wether your companion is a dog or cat (or like in my case : both).

Leia almost died right in front of my eyes.
I opened an orange juice and left the little plastic pull up lid (the one in between the juice and the lid, which u have to remove when you first open it) on the kitchen island.
Leia got a hold of it and next thing I know she is choking! I knew I had only very limited time and she was soon starting to show signs that she was about to become unconscious.
I was able to help her. I knew what to do. And even though it took me a few tries,the lid finally came back up and I was able to remove it from her mouth.

Ive always wanted to participate in a pet first aid course but never got around it. So what saved her life was a picture I recalled seeing on fb a few times.

This saved her life & this is why I feel its important to post it here. Like I said Leia is my cat,but it could have also happened to Maple or any other dog.

Please take 3 minutes out of your life & have a look at this picture. You never know when it may come down to this!

I am so,so thankful that I was able to help her and didnt have to watch her choke to death right infront of me...
Scary stuff! I agree that everyone should know this. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad she is ok.
Thank you; I will remember this now. So glad Leia is okay! I never would have thought about those plastic disk things.
I am so,so thankful!
Maple knew something was wrong because she came running over and started to nodge Leia gently, but she was getting in my way so I actually yelled at her to move. It was a very frightening situation.

Leia loves to play with everything, but she usually only uses her paws and doesnt put it in her mouth but from now on I will make sure not to leave anything laying around.
WOW... fast thinking and great memory! So happy it all worked out
WOW, so happy you were able to save your cat, that is a scary moment when it happens, and a great feeling when it works. Glad you were there and saw it happen. Thanks for the info and pic, it is always a good reminder on what to do in an emergency.
So scary!! I'm glad you could help her out. Poor Leia.

I take a first aid course for work every 2 years and the last time I did it I asked the instructor for tips on helping my dogs. He gladly obliged and went over it for the whole class.
Thanks everybody!

It was crazy scary. I still cant believe what happened but I am so thankful it had a happy end. I am not religious but I must admit I thanked God for not taking Leia from us. I would have blamed myself forever for leaving the lid out on the island.

I shared the picture in a facebook group and over 70 people liked,commented and shared it. Who knows,maybe one day it'll help their or someoneelses pet. I am a huge believer in 'everything happens for a reason', and maybe that right there is why this incident occured. Always focus on the positive :)

Thank you all for your kind words & for looking at the graphic :)
Oh gosh watching your pet choke is terrifying. Isabelle got a piece of puppy teething bone stuck in her throat and I luckily got it out by hooking into it with my nail, but I also saw a similar image which if I wouldn't have been successful with my first try of dislodging the bone I would've had to go on to upside down and compressing her abdomen.

I'm so glad that your kitty is okay [emoji177] Don't scare mommy like that again Leia!
Wow!!! That's so scary! So glad she's ok and that you were able to save her. I work in a dental office and believe it or not, when I became CPR certified, they actually (briefly) went over the Heimlich Maneuver on animals. Pretty amazing and it's a really good thing to know! Glad your baby is ok! So scary