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My Frenchies Eye and value


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Jul 27, 2018
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General question for all- my Frenchie was attacked and lost eye sight in one eye, along with horrible scarring. I am currently in law suit trying to recover some of the surgery costs, from the attackers owner, who hasn’t even apologized. I was advised that I can sue for loss of “property value” as synical as it sounds, I don’t want to call my pup “property” but as you all know frenchies are very expensive breeds. Not to say she isn’t still beautiful, but I don’t believe she is “worth” as much without her beautiful eye.
I’m only posting this for advice as to how much this community believes the loss of an eye would depreciate the value of the dog?
My lawyer advised me to ask a community such as this.
I hate that I’m even asking because I love my dog so much and hate to put a price tag on her, however, I am out about 10k in surgery costs and am trying to recover as much financially from this burden as possible.
If I bought the dog for 3K, and now her eye is terrible looking, how much would you all think she is worth, on the “market”???
Please don’t judge me for this.
It’s not what it seems, and I would never ever consider her property or value loss, unless I was advised by my lawyer, which I was.

Thanks for any thoughts and prayers for my pup!
Sorry to hear about your dog's injuries ! I can only relate to my personal experience with my dog. I rescued Honey for free from Kijiji but I had a couple of thousand in vet bills to spay her and remove an oral tumour and vaccinate her, deworm her etc. When I got her she had one eye that was bulging out and horribly scarred from previously being attacked. I didn't even fix that, and two years later that eye is still bulging out and scarred and blind, but there's no further progression and she sees fine with the other eye. So based on my case I would say your dog is now worth 0.00 .
I am sorry to hear this. I would try to recoup the vet costs plus what you paid for her.
General question for all- my Frenchie was attacked and lost eye sight in one eye, along with horrible scarring. I am currently in law suit trying to recover some of the surgery costs, from the attackers owner, who hasn’t even apologized. I was advised that I can sue for loss of “property value” as synical as it sounds, I don’t want to call my pup “property” but as you all know frenchies are very expensive breeds. Not to say she isn’t still beautiful, but I don’t believe she is “worth” as much without her beautiful eye.
I’m only posting this for advice as to how much this community believes the loss of an eye would depreciate the value of the dog?
My lawyer advised me to ask a community such as this.
I hate that I’m even asking because I love my dog so much and hate to put a price tag on her, however, I am out about 10k in surgery costs and am trying to recover as much financially from this burden as possible.
If I bought the dog for 3K, and now her eye is terrible looking, how much would you all think she is worth, on the “market”???
Please don’t judge me for this.
It’s not what it seems, and I would never ever consider her property or value loss, unless I was advised by my lawyer, which I was.

Thanks for any thoughts and prayers for my pup!

I'm sorry to hear your dog was attacked and is going through this.
I really don't have much to add, but agree that you should at least attempt to be reimbursed for all of your vet expenses and attorney fees. And not to be a Debbie Downer, but also you may want to consider that your dog has been through a traumatic event, so I would not be surprised if you needed to seek training or a behaviorist's assistance in getting her to feel confident and safe around other dogs again, if she does indeed need help with that now that she's been attacked.

I hope you receive the financial relief you are seeking and that she heals quickly!
So very sorry you are needing to go through this situation... hugs to your sweet baby. Look at it this way -- you are recouping costs of the vet bills, not he price of your baby. They are priceless to me, but I would sue for full cost of all the bills and hope you can get something back. if see was a rescue baby, he adoption fee would be in the 400-800 dollar range, but not sure that helps you

Unfortunately, dogs are consider property in these situations.. horrible as it sounds since they are a living being, but that is how the legal system views it.

best of luck -- I hope you get some relief
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