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My puppy breathing weird. Please watch the video of him and help


New member
Nov 2, 2015
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Bleu is acting really weird. Hes been breathing like on this video for the past 20-30 mins.
Should I be worried? I have never seen him like this so I do not know if this is normal.
Does he have something stuck in his nose or throat?

It does sound like he has something going on in there. He could have an upper respiratory infection (bugers) or something stuck. If he doesn't stop in the next couple of hours I would try to get him in to see the vet.
It does sound like he has something going on in there. He could have an upper respiratory infection (bugers) or something stuck. If he doesn't stop in the next couple of hours I would try to get him in to see the vet.

I gave him peanut butter with flax seeds about an hour ago. Would he maybe be allergic?
I have given him peanut butter before but he never did this but that was another brand with no flax seeds

it also sounds like he has hair in his nostril and its bugging him as he is breathing in air.

Right now he is sleeping so i will check on him again when he is awake and take him to the vet if he continues breathing like that.
I gave him peanut butter with flax seeds about an hour ago. Would he maybe be allergic?
I have given him peanut butter before but he never did this but that was another brand with no flax seeds

it also sounds like he has hair in his nostril and its bugging him as he is breathing in air.

Right now he is sleeping so i will check on him again when he is awake and take him to the vet if he continues breathing like that.

How is he doing.... any better?
First of all WOW he is freakin adorable

Second of all that does sound a bit odd, if it doesn't stop I'd take him in.

Nooo idea what it could be though
thanks for the concern friends.

He seems better. I ll still keep on eye on him but for now I think he is okay.
Check the ingredients on the peanut butter for artificial sweeteners.

Mine breathe like that when they get over heated... Maybe he is too hot?

Let us know if he's doing better, and if you take him to a vet!

Stop breathing funny little guy! You're scaring people! [emoji173]️
Glad he is better. He sure is adorable!

Just a thought: both my pug and french bulldog will sound a bit like this when they have a bout of reverse sneezing. For Junior the Frenchie, it's quite loud and dramatic and stops after 30 seconds or a minute. For Lola the Pug, I will see snorty short breaths like Bleu's for a half hour or more. Nobody knows what really causes reverse sneezing, but the hunch is some sort of irritation of the soft palate or nasal tissues. To break the cycle, you could briefly cover the dogs nostrils so he breathes through his mouth. They don't like that, for obvious reasons, but it helps. I have often had success with rubbing their chest and throat.

Of course I'm not a vet and don't really know what's causing your baby to breathe funny, so take this advice with a big grain of salt. Good sign that he was sleeping peacefully.
Bleu is acting really weird. Hes been breathing like on this video for the past 20-30 mins.
Should I be worried? I have never seen him like this so I do not know if this is normal.
Does he have something stuck in his nose or throat?

Sounds like a reverse sneeze to me and French Bulldogs do that. Mine does. It lasts a few minutes and goes away.
It does sound like he has an allergy to something. Glad he is better now.
I love this little bug - those ears are bigger than he is at this point!

Bambi will do something similar and to me it is more like a sniff/grunt kind of thing. She doesn't do it for long.

I'm glad he seems better.