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Nares and soft palate surgery tomorrow! - Send positive vibes!

Wow; I am really happy for you and Stanley.

I did ask at the emergency clinic (which is huge here), if they knew of a vet who had a lot of experience in the brachy breeds. They treated me like I had a disease. The response was cool and basically that any qualified vet can handle nare surgery or the brachy breeds. I got the definite feeling they thought I was being elitist or something because we have a frenchie (not many around here).

Oh yea we got a similar attitude at our local vet, they don't see many bulldogs or brachycephalic breeds. I did a lot of searching around and we ended up traveling 2 1/2 hours to the vet that did his surgery, and I'm so glad we did. Can any do the nares surgery? Probably. But we felt at ease with a vet that has cared for so many bulldogs when it came to the anesthesia, and recovery of the dog. The medicine they used and the approach was spot on, and they know exactly what to look for and monitor. The vet we went to was in MD and sees people all over the country, and they are used to people coming in from out of town.
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