New to Frenchies


New member
May 1, 2015
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Hi, I just got a 2 year old female Frenchie. Her name is MagPie. She was recently retired from the effort to breed her. Less than 2 weeks ago she had C-section and spay. She seems well, but we are taking it easy. I have some questions. She has been a great dog, travels so well, is friendly, calm and sweet. We were sent home with the kibble she is accustomed to eating. It is a Costco brand with lamb and sweet potato. She wasn't eating real well unless we hand fed her, maybe it's all the changes. She doesn't have a fever. She defecates and urinates ok. Today I bought her a can of IAMS lamb and rice canned food. She just went for it. Because she hadn't been eating well, I let her eat half the can. I guess it was too much, she threw it up. I would like to get some opinions on if you think it's ok to give her SOME canned food in the absence of her eating her kibble well. I am reading some articles on feeding, but would love opinions of people that actually own Frenchies. :)
You said she had a C section 2 weeks ago? What happened to the puppies? If she is used to eating the kibble, maybe add a little of the canned to the kibble to encourage her to eat. A sudden diet change can make them sick. 2 weeks ago having a C section and spay is a lot on her. Now she is in a new home, so she has a lot going on that could be stressful for her. I am surprised they let her go so soon.
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I agree. But I think her being with us turned out good for her. She's away from the myriad of dogs and we can give her tender loving care. I suppose we should take her for a checkup in a week or so? She still has some brownish bloody discharge here and there. I don't understand this too well since she didn't have a vaginal birth. The puppies died, there was no nursing. Her tummy is saggy, I guess it will be for a few weeks. Her incision looks good, I feel for heat or redness, there is none thank goodness. I realized after I posted this, I included these questions in my introduction and should have posted in a different topic, but just getting some feedback is helpful to me.
It does sound like she is better off with you. I'm sure she will be spoiled rotten. I would take her to the vet for a follow up check up just to be sure. Her tummy will go down in time.
Thanks Tgirl. She seems very very content. She follows me everywhere. I slept with her the first night, but then left her in a dog bed in the livingroom with the tv on the second night. She was so excited to see me in the morning, she did that frenchie half body wag. I'll take your advice and take her for a checkup just to make sure all is healing well.
Poor baby girl, so happy you have her and she is out of that environment. The bloody discharge can last up to a month or so, so that is normal. It's too bad the pups died, but it might also be a blessing so they will not be in that environment either. The vet should have given you some meds to help dry her milk up, but without the pups, she will dry up soon. Looking forward in seeing pics of her.
Well Magpie you seem like your angel came along and saved you from a stressful life!

I would also do as tgirl mentioned... Mix a small amount of wet with the kibble but also offer small amounts of kibble multiple times a day, like less than half a cup to rebuild her appetite.

For some reason my 1 year old frenchie decided to ignore her kibble for 2 days. She ate and then puked it up on me in the middle of the night. (It was lovely LOL) so just get her slowly back to eating at least a half cup twice a day :)

Can't wait to see this sweetie!
:smileywelcome: Betsy and MagPie. It sounds like your girl got off to a rough start, but she will do well with you. Good advice from [MENTION=179]Tgirl[/MENTION]!
Welcome Betsy and MagPie! I was lucky enough to get Bambi and she was a retired breeder. The breeder kept her until the puppies were weaned. Did they say why they separated her so early? Did her milk come in? Did she refuse to feed the pups? I would take her to the vet sooner than later, just so they can make sure she is healing properly. They can give her any medications if she happens to need them - antiobiotic, pain medicine, etc. Bambi was really think when we got her. It took a while to be able to put weight on her. She would eat like a maniac but just poop it all out. I would give her scrambled eggs and premium kibble (Fromm) at each meal. She has gained three pounds since we've had her.

You did a great thing adopting this angel. She will repay you with years of happiness. There is nothing like them.
Welcome! It sounds like she's a very lucky girl to have you look after her.
:welcome3: to EBN... thank you for giving her such a great new loving home!