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Occasional Not Eating


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2014
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Bambi starting to skip meals several times a week, even though we would put some wet food in with her kibble to entice her to eat. My husband figured out that her kibble might be too big so he has been crunching it up into smaller pieces and then mixing it. It wasn't huge pieces to begin with but she really doesn't chew anything. That seems to have done the trick and she has been eating every meal since. Just thought I'd share that as a tip for anyone else who may have the same problem.
Buster sometimes will skip a meal, too, but his kibble is small. I just give him an hour or so to get hungry and add some chicken broth to it and he eats it.
good to know,,,,, Cheli eats really slow but never skipped a meal
I have this issue with banksy from time to time and I have been trying to figure it out. We did recently buy smaller kibble and it has helped. He also seems to only like eating when we are around. If I am in the kitchen he will eat and if I walk away, he stops and doesn't star again until I come back lol
Had the same thing with Bentley and I was having to mix a lot of different "enticing" things in with his food to get him to eat. I was feeding him Orijen puppy. I think he got tired of the food. So recently I bought a couple different types of acana. And have been mixing them. Seems to have done the trick. And the kibbles are actually bigger. I plan to Josy keep switching every month or so to keep him interested. No side effects either. Perfect poops and all.
My Penelope isn't too thrilled to eat in the mornings, and I just attribute it to her not being that hungry when she wakes up (I'm sort of the same).

She's a bit more eager at dinner, but still doesn't get too excited about her food. (I've switched her food about 3 times now too)

Kind of funny though, if my pug gets too close to her breakfast, Penelope will growl and will then hurry up and eat it. LOL "I don't really want it, but I don't want you to have it either!" :D
Henri will do that sometimes as well, and his kibble is small. Sometimes we have to hand feed him. When I take him to shows and we stay in a hotel he never eats. This past week, I took Katie with us and he ate only because she was there and I still had to hand feed him. He's a spoiled brat.
Henri will do that sometimes as well, and his kibble is small. Sometimes we have to hand feed him. When I take him to shows and we stay in a hotel he never eats. This past week, I took Katie with us and he ate only because she was there and I still had to hand feed him. He's a spoiled brat.

Whenever we go somewhere else Banksy never eats as well. Hahah too funny about the spoiled brat thing. AGREED. You should see our house with all his toys everywhere. And his first bark box just came in last night. The look on my boyfriends face was priceless. He is not impressed with everything I have been buying for banksy!!! LOL
Jax NOT eat? That would be the day.