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Jun 8, 2014
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Okay.... Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions - but Dante will eat anything off the ground. I have to constantly watch him at the dog park because he is eating sticks and leaves. Last week after day care he threw up a ton of grass and mulch. I spoke with them about it. It's like he's constantly scavenging for food on the ground. He is 6 months old, on the Fromm Puppy food, and gets a little under two cups per day. I feed him twice a day, totaling almost 2 cups of food. He also gets Kefir or yogurt, and a teaspoon of raw honey. Am I feeding enough? I've attached pictures of him to determine if he looks too skinny? He gets about 6-8 hours of exercise per week.


From the pics, he looks great to me, no fat Frenchies. :) That sounds about right on the amount. We have two that are 5 months old and are getting 1/2 cup FROMM Puppy Gold three times a day. I like to feed them three times a day until around 7 months of age, then I will switche them to twice a day. Once he gets a little older, you will have to cut back on the food a little. Our adult females only get 1/2 cup twice a day.
He looks perfect to me. I have to watch Wally when we're out as he'll try and eat anything he sees on the ground. It's not that he's hungry, it's just that he's a pig. :D
His weight looks good to me. He's just a pup and they tend to want to eat everything. :)
He looks perfect! Buster is almost 2 now and has become very discriminating about what he eats off the ground. He does still eat bugs, worms, etc. but when he sniffs deer poo I tell him leave it and he backs off.
Isabelle never used to pick anything up at all. Now with the leaves falling and covering the ground she'll grab one every now and again.

She also manages to bite any ants she sees inside or out and they bite her back and latch on... Oy!

I agree with everyone that his weight is fine! He's bigger than Isabelle is at 8 months. :-P
He looks perfect! Buster is almost 2 now and has become very discriminating about what he eats off the ground. He does still eat bugs, worms, etc. but when he sniffs deer poo I tell him leave it and he backs off.

No Christmas chocolates from Santa s reindeer poor poor Buster
Bisou is the same. I'm sure it's just a puppy thing. I've gotta watch her like a hawk or else she'll eat sticks, leaves, trash, paper, rubber bands... you name it! I can tell some stuff she just compulsively sticks in her mouth because she immediately spits it out when I say drop it. Some stuff she will latch onto and force me to practically jam my fingers down her throat. I swear! :no: Shasta, on the other hand, is our little moo cow billy goat. If given the chance, she will eat grass until she explodes. She doesn't even care if it's prickly cattail grass! If only I had a dollar for every time she got away with it and we woke up to a wad of grass on the rug...
agree -- he looks great ! And, Cheli is the same way, you would think he never gets any food... if it is on the ground and reachable, he will try to eat it.... leaves, grass, twigs, frogs, toads, flowers, etc.
Your boy looks perfect. I think they kinda go through weird growth spurts too, at least Jake did. Sometimes he would look long and skinny and then he would look chubby. He'll be two in Jan. and he's 28 lbs. Stella on the other hand is anorexic and is too thin. It's hard to get her to eat at all! :yuk: