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Pierce did great with his surgery!


New member
Apr 28, 2014
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Pierce's surgery went really well yesterday. They ended up doing Nares, Soft Palate and also removed two Laryngeal saccules. At first the plan was to keep him overnight, due to the risk of aspiration since his gag reflex would be overstimulated (and the surgeon says he is usually over-cautious). When we called to check on him around 5:00, he was doing so well he could come home.
He ate a little last night and some this morning. About an hour after eating this morning, he threw up quite a bit of mucous. After that, he seems to feel much better and his appetite is better, too.
Pierce's nare's were really small. Now that he can breathe through his nose so well, it seems as if it surprises him sometimes. The thing we noticed last night was that he did not keep moving positions in our bed. Before the surgery, I think he kept moving around, trying to find the best position to breathe in.
I have learned so much from this forum and am so grateful for the information here. The vet said yesterday that we have added several years to Pierce's life. So many do not realize the effect that the constant oxygen deprivation has on the heart and the lungs.

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That's incredible!! Sounds like the best possible outcome. You must be so relieved and happy!

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Awesome! I am so glad Pierce is doing so well! :heart: :angelheart:
I'm glad to hear that it went well. I have heard someone say that their dog seemed surprised to breath so well afterward. That's awesome.
Randy is so happy he still has his snore, just at a different octave and decibel. I am looking forward to seeing what it will be like to do things with him once he has recovered. We were told no exercise for two weeks or playing with other dogs. Keeping him from wrestling with Schatzi will be a challenge!

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I'm so happy his surgery went well & he's obviously doing better than even the vet expected! :)
so happy to hear he did so well and is home with you! Wait till he is healed up and you see the burst of energy he has -- :rundog:
So happy the surgery went well and he is doing good. That is awesome he can breath better, and he will be like a new dog once he recovers. :)
I am so happy the surgery and recovery has gone so well for Pierce and your family!
I'm really happy that Pierce's surgery went well! I'm worried about Maximus and suspect he might need to get similar work done. The bf and I are taking Maximus to the vet today after work since we noticed he started having breathing issues and panting VERY easily. We suspect Maximus has the same issues... brachycephalic syndrome. Maximus is about 10 months old and this will be his first real summer. NYC summers can get really hot and humid! He was born in June but I'm sure he stayed indoors for most of the time right after he was born.
TeresaW, so happy for you. It's amazing how quickly they can heal. You are an excellent mommy!

chubbybunnymax, good luck; I hope you get good news.
That's fantastic news! So happy!

I'm considering getting Fergus' nostrils done, as I notice he often whistles while he breathes through his nose while sleeping. His head is more dome-like, smaller, etc., so not surprised that his nostrils are a bit pinched. Penelope is fine, but I think when Fergus gets neutered I'm going to get them to do this, as well.
TeresaW, so happy for you. It's amazing how quickly they can heal. You are an excellent mommy!

chubbybunnymax, good luck; I hope you get good news.

Thank you! We actually had to reschedule the appointment to this coming Tuesday bc we had a little emergency (bf almost went to ER). I now have anxiety waiting longer for his appt. Maximus started panting after like ten mins outside today. It was a warmer day than usual but still... :(
It will be okay; Max has had it up until now. He will be okay for a few more days. Keep us posted.

I hope your bf is okay.