So today was Stella's appt. with the opthamologist. She had could tear production so her eyes are well lubricated. They put a tiny piece of paper in her eye to measure this. She does have pigmentary keratitis which apparently is common in dogs with protruding eyes. It is caused by chronic irritation or inflammation of the cornea and may be an indicator of underlying tear film, eyelid or facial conformation abnormalities. Sleeping with eyes open can contribute to this. So I asked him on a scale of 1 - 10 how bad her case was and he said a 1 - 2. We were given some eye lubricant to put in her eyes before bed each night and were instructed to come back in 4- 6 mos. to recheck her. If it progresses then there are medications for the eye that she would have to be on the rest of her life to help. Although it will not cause complete blindness, he desribed it as looking through a muddy windshield. Will keep you posted after our next visit.