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pooping in crate


New member
Dec 8, 2017
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we are working with our 10wk old on potty training outside. We still have pads in the house and she uses them pretty well but of course there are accidents here and there. At night time Lua goes to bed around 9:30, we take her out around 1am and she does her job outside(sometimes). when we bring her in again we put her back in crate and then she poops in it an hour or so later. She does not cry or let us know she has to go. The crate is big but we made it smaller with dividers and have a blanket down and stuffed animals(to make it smaller). any ideas?
Stay out with her till she goes... sorry, but you have to train her that when out side, it is potty time. You might even have to remove blanket and toys to ensure she only has room to sleep .... potty training is so hard -- it took us two full years to get Cheli on the program, so I get it.

good luck
It is a hard job and some learn faster than others. She is still a baby so she is just learning and sometimes can't hold it. As Christine said, try to get her to go before bed, that will help, plus she will eventually out grow this.
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