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Puppy weight / Adult size


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Sep 12, 2017
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I'm curious to know, if anyone has a puppy now or remembers their puppy's weight, how much your pup weighed at 20 weeks. My Ripley is 20 wks old today and weighs 7 kg - she's very tall and lanky (kinda has been since we got her) so I'm curious to know more or less where she is on the scale. Average, small, big for her age? And if your pup went through a lanky stage? If anyone has before and after photos, that'd be awesome!

Here she is a few weeks ago, just for fun:

They usually do go through a lanky phase. I have a 7 month old bulldog who is still lanky and needs to fill out. Plus, all dogs are different so some will be smaller than others. She's still young so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Jax is 4 but I can't remember how much he weighed as a puppy. He weighs about 28-30 pounds now.

There might be a thread on there about puppy weights and members saying what their puppies weighed.

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At 20 wks Gus was 17 lbs. He's almost 6 months old and hasn't gone through a lanky stage, but his breeder definitely breeds them short and stocky.

Is Ripley putting on weight consistently? Gus was still putting on pound a week at that age, but like Cbrugs said, they are all different. Your Ripley is a cutie pie, for sure. :)
8 weeks - 5 lbs
12 weeks- 11 lbs
28 weeks- 20 lbs
36 weeks- 23 lbs
1 year- 24 lbs

He’s a year and a half now, and fluctuates between 24-25 lbs. He was never “lanky” he’s always been deceptively heavy for his size... here he is at 8 weeks and 1 year.

Carrot weighed around 13 to 14 pounds at 20 weeks. She now weighs 20 pounds at a year and a half. Carrot is definitely on the smaller side (in terms of weight) but she's tall.
Thanks everyone!!
[MENTION=1886]Joeturbo26[/MENTION] your little dude is adorable!

I'm guessing Ripley is pretty much right in the average then. She was the runt, and the smallest of the litter, but I have a feeling she's caught up to them now, as she's 15,5 lbs.
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