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Puppy will not respond


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Oct 7, 2015
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Hello guys,

I'm new to the forum so apologies if a similar thread has been posted recently.

I have a GORGEOUS 10 week old French bulldog pup and he is wonderful.

However, he will not come to me, or answer his name. I don't expect him to recognize his name yet, as we have had him only 5 days(!) but I expect him to come to me if I look at him, address him, and encourage him. He doesn't respond to any family members or seem particularly excited to see us.

I raised a Labradoodle and he always responded to me from a very young age, even if he didn't know his name.

Should I be worried? Is this normal behaviour for the breed (I didn't come across this during my many months of research). And what can I do about it?!

Thank you so much,
Hi Hannah,

Thanks so much for responding, this was my first worry too. However, if I make a loud noise (clatter something) he does get a shock. He will play (when coaxed) but also gets easily bored and wanders off. I'm worried about bonding with him early and what I can do to improve it. It's difficult if he won't come to me.

Thanks again!
Frenchies are known to be stubborn. When we first got Jax, I actually thought he was deaf because he would never respond when I called his name. Jax is now 2 1/2 years old and still has selective hearing.

Maybe have him on a leash and when you call him, give a little pull towards you and when he gets to you, praise him and give him a treat. Since you have only had him for 5 days, maybe he is still trying to adjust and get familiar with his surroundings.
Frenchies are known to be stubborn. When we first got Jax, I actually thought he was deaf because he would never respond when I called his name. Jax is now 2 1/2 years old and still has selective hearing.

Maybe have him on a leash and when you call him, give a little pull towards you and when he gets to you, praise him and give him a treat. Since you have only had him for 5 days, maybe he is still trying to adjust and get familiar with his surroundings.

Thank you so much for the response Cbrugs, I'm a natural worrier, so I hope it's just stubbornness and I'm over-reacting. I will certainly try the leash training.
He has a vet appointment on Saturday so I will mention it then, but I am concerned they won't have a great knowledge of the breed at the practice I'm taking him to, so advice from real owners is so reassuring.
I think he's just a normal Frenchie puppy. They can be so frustrating but it's worth it because they are also such lovable clowns.

Try using treats to get his attention.
We had Hudson tested for deafness when he was a puppy because he did the same thing. The vet just laughed afterwards and said oh he CAN hear you just fine, he just doesn't want to. He's gotten better as he's gotten older, but he definitely maintains "selective" hearing.

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Thank you so much for the response Cbrugs, I'm a natural worrier, so I hope it's just stubbornness and I'm over-reacting. I will certainly try the leash training.
He has a vet appointment on Saturday so I will mention it then, but I am concerned they won't have a great knowledge of the breed at the practice I'm taking him to, so advice from real owners is so reassuring.

I would look into finding a vet that is more knowledgeable of the breed or brachy breeds if possible. Will ease your mind if you feel he is in good hands:)
Your pup sounds normal to me. They are so curious with everything and are just trying to take it all in. Maybe work with him with some treats or squeaky toys to teach some simple commands to get him to engage with you.
I worried a bit about our Frenchie when we first got her because, although she was wet and would follow me around, she would totally if more when I called her name. She is 3 years old, so she knew her name and still ignored me. I also had these great hopes of obedience training and how great it was going to go because I've trained numerous dogs and even talk to people at work and give them tips on training, etc. Wrong! This joker is stubborn. If nothing is in it for her, or she just doesn't want to do something she just refuses. It was like she didn't really care if I was excited she did something well. I also couldn't read her well. It is hard to explain, but she is different than any dog I've ever had. That said, I kept on being firm and consistant and she is doing pretty good now. I am finally able to read her a little better now. Anyway (sorry about the ramblings) but my point was that they are stubborn and don't give up. It will get better. :) they are such sweet dogs with so much personality, it's worth dealing with that stubborn streak.
Quella was full of p&v when I got her. Who am I trying to kid... she still is. Boy o boy that girl is stubborn and my main concern when I get her was 'why on earth does she not acknowledge me'. After a few days of her learning that when I say her name and I crinkle the treat bag that means she would get a treat, I would then say her name with no treat bag crinkle and she would look at me and make eye contact and instead of a treat I would say 'Good!' in my best 'I'm happy with you' voice. She learned quickly that acknowledging me would end in a reward whether it was a treat or praise. Also, I would mix it up and use a clicker. When I clicked the clicker and she made eye contact with me, I would give her a treat or a happy voiced 'Good!'

As you can see below, sometimes she just disregards me no matter what I'm willing to give her. I was trying to get a picture to send to one of the girls at work whom is finding out if she is having a baby boy or girl and whether I clicked, crinkled or said her name, she would not make eye contact. Quella does what she wants when she wants and the next day she is responding to her name like she was born with it followed by a day of disregard. Stubborn lil bulldog, but oh so adorabull!


XoXo from Quella La Roux and her mommy too!
Sounds just like Dexter! Extremely stubborn! He's doing really well now at 5 months, but initially it was tough. Just like Calle Roo above, I worked with the treats and it's amazing how quickly he started picking things up - very, very treat focused!

The stubborn streak is what makes them so cute though - the look on Dexters face when he is adamant he won't be doing what you're asking of him is priceless!!
Sounds just like Dexter! Extremely stubborn! He's doing really well now at 5 months, but initially it was tough. Just like Calle Roo above, I worked with the treats and it's amazing how quickly he started picking things up - very, very treat focused!

The stubborn streak is what makes them so cute though - the look on Dexters face when he is adamant he won't be doing what you're asking of him is priceless!!

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your wonderful responses and reassurance. I read every reply several times and they gave me a lot of hope.

I got a clicker for my little guy and have been working with him on answering to his name and coming when I call him.

He is doing much better and I'm delighted - so onwards and upwards!

Thanks again :):):)
Good to hear!! Must have just been the typical frenchie stubbornness! Banksy has "selective hearing" sometimes too
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your wonderful responses and reassurance. I read every reply several times and they gave me a lot of hope.

I got a clicker for my little guy and have been working with him on answering to his name and coming when I call him.

He is doing much better and I'm delighted - so onwards and upwards!

Thanks again :):):)

stay diligent.... if you give an inch....
Welcome to you and Fletch (LOVE that name!!).... so glad to hear he is progressing. They are definitely a stubborn STUBBORN breed for sure!! I thought Boxers were strong willed....... HA!!! My two are very good at coming when called. when THEY want to! :)
Thank you so much for the response Cbrugs, I'm a natural worrier...

Oh man, you are in for a treat - these frenchies will make a wreck out of you!!! :D

Bambi can be such a little pi$$ pot. She is totally bonded to me, but when she is outside barking at my neighbor's mother or a passer-by and I call her or try to entice her with treats, she pretends she doesn't hear me and does it even worst. It is so hilarious!

Update, please!
Hi. I'm new here too and have a 5-month-old named Mini and Moby who is about 15 months. When I first got Moby I seriously thought he was deaf, blind, and mentally impaired haha (but I really did)! He didn't respond to his name, show any excitement to see me, or even acknowledge me altogether. When I'd come home from work, he'd be sitting in his pen, with his back to me, and wouldn't even turn around to see who came in the door. Walks were crazy, and he just refused to move even for treats. If I ever told him no, he'd turn his back to me and ignore me or he'd leave the room! This lasted for about a month. He's great now, the sweetest, funniest, and most loyal dog I've ever met. Maybe he was just testing me or had to get used to me, but he walks great on a leash and was housebroken really early. He's a funny little clown. I hope your pup is doing better too.
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