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Question about a bump on the eyelid of my puppy


New member
Nov 2, 2015
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My puppy is 12 weeks old and I noticed a little bump on one of his eyelids the day after I brought him home two weeks ago but didnt really think it was a big deal. I noticed lately he blinks that eye more often as its bothering him
So today I did a little research online and it looks like he has whats called a "Meibomian gland adenoma"..
Now the question is, if I take him to the vet and the vet says it needs to be removed because it is getting bigger as he grows, would this be something the breeder have to pay for since I got 1 year health guarantee?


The breeder should, but I bet they won't.
Have a look at the health guarantee and see what it includes and what not.
If it is a genetic problem, the breeder should be paying for it for sure. If it was already there when you picked him up,they should be paying for it as well.
But I heard sometimes its hard to get breedees to carry the cost for these kind of things, and they try to find a way out of it.

Anyway, Id just have a closer look at the health guarantee.
That baby is too cute! I'd try to get the breeder to pay for removal, if refused try to get the breeder to pay half!
If it was there before you got him then they really should pay. If it started after then it's debatable. Ask them and keep us posted!
Turns out he has a dermoid cyst in his eyelid. which started growing hair and started to irritate his eye. poor baby kept squinting and trying to scratch his eye with his little paws lately. I could not stand him in that state anymore so I took him to an animal eye specialist and had the cyst removed. So the whole surgery cost me 1600 total. The breeder told me they would be willing to exchange him for another pup becuase of this but I told him I would not be willing to exchange my child becuase of a defect

The doc told me it is a birth defect. I contacted the breeder. They agreed to send me a check to cover the surgery.

Bleu was under anestesia during surgery and now he is taking three different medications to help him with recovery. He wouldnt even drink water the whole day yesterday and today because i think he had upset stomach from surgery.
Here is how his eye looks now. Hopefully it will heal soon

Turns out he has a dermoid cyst in his eyelid. which started growing hair and started to irritate his eye. poor baby kept squinting and trying to scratch his eye with his little paws lately. I could not stand him in that state anymore so I took him to an animal eye specialist and had the cyst removed. So the whole surgery cost me 1600 total. The breeder told me they would be willing to exchange him for another pup becuase of this but I told him I would not be willing to exchange my child becuase of a defect

The doc told me it is a birth defect. I contacted the breeder. They agreed to send me a check to cover the surgery.

Bleu was under anestesia during surgery and now he is taking three different medications to help him with recovery. He wouldnt even drink water the whole day yesterday and today because i think he had upset stomach from surgery.
Here is how his eye looks now. Hopefully it will heal soon


so glad it all went well and he is home and doing better. Never heard of that before so thanks for sharing
OMG of course you would not exchange.. after you already have him in your home, that would be so hard!

I am so glad they stepped up and are paying for it! Good to hear! Hope he feels better soon
Poor baby. I am glad the breeder is going to reimburse you for the surgery.

I am having the same issue with Calvin. Except his is on his actual eyeball :fie: I am taking him to the eye specialist tomorrow morning. How is Bleu now since he had the surgery. I am a nervous mama.

Thank you
Poor little guy! I'm glad the breeder decided to pay since it was a birth defect. I hope he heals up soon!

I am having the same issue with Calvin. Except his is on his actual eyeball :fie: I am taking him to the eye specialist tomorrow morning. How is Bleu now since he had the surgery. I am a nervous mama.

Thank you

I am sorry to hear that. Bleu is fine. Did they diagnose it as being a dermoid?

Bleu was playing with my son after the day of surgery. he got right back up the next day.

How old is Calvin? Can I see a picture?

I am having the same issue with Calvin. Except his is on his actual eyeball :fie: I am taking him to the eye specialist tomorrow morning. How is Bleu now since he had the surgery. I am a nervous mama.

Thank you

Keep us posted after your visit to the specialist tomorrow!
Great about Bleu :) Calvin is 5 months old :blush: My world LOL! Yes, he has a dermoid on his right eyeball. Where it is at - hard to really see unless he looks to the side, there is a slight discoloration on the white park. It was raised slightly, and that's what we noticed. I went to specialist today. He only sees 2 hair folic-ales on the cyst as far as they see. And has 2 hairs that are grown out of the eye. (which again - couldn't see but under the light and doesn't affect his vision at all) Doesn't seem to bother or irritate Calvin at all. The one hair, the way its growing may start irritating the cornea area. But as of right now, we are just going to continue severe gel eye drops (which the specialist said not a bad idea to use on a daily basis regardless to help protect his eyes) and they are going to freeze the dermoid cyst in the next few months. Once frozen, they pull the hairs out and shouldn't grow back at all. I could do surgery, but where its at - as long as I freeze and have the hairs removed - he will be fine, and you can't see it. Why put him under if I don't have to. They will just sedate Calvin when they freeze it.

Loves car rides in his car seat :blush:
Yea it sounds like he ll be fine. He looks so cute. Bleu also loves car rides. Especially when we are at a drive thru at a fast food place. He knows there is food coming. Heheh
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