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I really hope it’s just seizures and not a back issue.

I guess we will see what the neurologist has to say and what is the next step.

Hopefully something not as serious as IVDD and it’s not both seizures and his back.
Makes me worry even more, 1 vet says back and my vet says seizures and we went the seizures and the scream, don’t know what to think, especially that the other vet says it could be both☹️
It's difficult when you can't get a solid diagnosis, which I find is most of the time with nebulous conditions. You will just have to let the days pass and see if/how often he has any issues. You probably do already, but maybe you want to keep a written log of any episodes.
It's difficult when you can't get a solid diagnosis, which I find is most of the time with nebulous conditions. You will just have to let the days pass and see if/how often he has any issues. You probably do already, but maybe you want to keep a written log of any episodes.
Definitely. I will just continue to monitor him, we will wait and see what the neurologist thinks it is.
We just got back from neurologist appointment. He examined Rusty in the back and then came to chat with us.

He thinks it is Epilepsy/seizures that these episodes are, however, he also said Rusty has 2 spots in the middle of his back that are unusual but they are very common in Frenchies as no spine is normal in frenchies he said.
He checked how long it takes Rusty to fix his paw when he puts it upside down and this time it was his left back foot that was slow to being put back.
So that still exists, but he doesn’t think Rusty is in back pain, and does think it’s seizures. He can’t guarantee there is no other spine issues, and a MRI will tell us for sure.

So first we have to have a liver specific test done at our regular vet, that will rule out any liver issue as the cause for the seizures if it comes back good. Only issue is that he has to be fasted for 12 hrs before they can do the test which will be very hard for Rusty as he needs a snack before bed @10pm and breakfast @9am or he vomits foam from going too long without eating, but we will see how he does with that☹️

Then after the liver test if all is good, MRI is next. That will rule out any cyst or brain tumour that can sometimes cause this(he said very unusual for that), but he will also check his spine to see if anything he didn’t see that would be unusual is there, if nothing is bad with his back, I will maintain with laser therapy treatment after the MRI(the laser therapy is not done at the specialist).

He wanted to put him on a seizure medication, i said I want to make sure his back is fine, and it’s for sure seizures that don’t have a cause to it(I am NOT giving him any medications unless absolutely needed as they damage the liver and kidneys causing them to fail and really shortens the dogs life).

If there is no known caused for the seizures, it’s considered epilepsy, he figures Rusty will have more episodes and the episodes will last longer , hopefully he doesn’t have anymore episodes anytime soon!
Epilepsy is very common in dogs between 2-5 years of age , however, it’s not very common with the scream, but it’s something that does happen.

My regular vet also said last time she examined Rusty and thought it was a seizure, she said I do NOT want to put Rusty on any seizure medications as that does more harm than good, unless it’s really necessary and his episodes are really long and very frequent, no meds she said(she did say too its too hard on the organs).
Some dogs can go years without having a seizure, we are hoping for at least a few months in between episodes, ideally there is around 6 months or years between each episode, then they dont need meds.

Also the neurologist said there is only a 50% chance of any meds being effective anyway and if they are effective they only lower the episodes by 40-50% which doesn’t guarantee no more episodes, so that’s super risky to consider any medications even if there is no known cause.
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So sorry all this is happening to your sweet boy… I have no experience or additional information to offer, but will send healing prayers
We just got back from neurologist appointment. He examined Rusty in the back and then came to chat with us.

He thinks it is Epilepsy/seizures that these episodes are, however, he also said Rusty has 2 spots in the middle of his back that are unusual but they are very common in Frenchies as no spine is normal in frenchies he said.
He checked how long it takes Rusty to fix his paw when he puts it upside down and this time it was his left back foot that was slow to being put back.
So that still exists, but he doesn’t think Rusty is in back pain, and does think it’s seizures. He can’t guarantee there is no other spine issues, and a MRI will tell us for sure.

So first we have to have a liver specific test done at our regular vet, that will rule out any liver issue as the cause for the seizures if it comes back good. Only issue is that he has to be fasted for 12 hrs before they can do the test which will be very hard for Rusty as he needs a snack before bed @10pm and breakfast @9am or he vomits foam from going too long without eating, but we will see how he does with that☹️

Then after the liver test if all is good, MRI is next. That will rule out any cyst or brain tumour that can sometimes cause this(he said very unusual for that), but he will also check his spine to see if anything he didn’t see that would be unusual is there, if nothing is bad with his back, I will maintain with laser therapy treatment after the MRI(the laser therapy is not done at the specialist).

He wanted to put him on a seizure medication, i said I want to make sure his back is fine, and it’s for sure seizures that don’t have a cause to it(I am NOT giving him any medications unless absolutely needed as they damage the liver and kidneys causing them to fail and really shortens the dogs life).

If there is no known caused for the seizures, it’s considered epilepsy, he figures Rusty will have more episodes and the episodes will last longer , hopefully he doesn’t have anymore episodes anytime soon!
Epilepsy is very common in dogs between 2-5 years of age , however, it’s not very common with the scream, but it’s something that does happen.

My regular vet also said last time she examined Rusty and thought it was a seizure, she said I do NOT want to put Rusty on any seizure medications as that does more harm than good, unless it’s really necessary and his episodes are really long and very frequent, no meds she said(she did say too its too hard on the organs).
Some dogs can go years without having a seizure, we are hoping for at least a few months in between episodes, ideally there is around 6 months or years between each episode, then they dont need meds.

Also the neurologist said there is only a 50% chance of any meds being effective anyway and if they are effective they only lower the episodes by 40-50% which doesn’t guarantee no more episodes, so that’s super risky to consider any medications even if there is no known cause.
hello, levetiracetam is a new medication to treat seizures that has no side effects, please ask your doctor for that medication.
Sorry to hear this, hopefully Rusty is doing better. Best of luck and keep us posted.

Thank you. I updated what he was for sure diagnosed with from the neurologist, we ended up doing the MRI, which came back with these results, he for sure has:

-Idiopathic epilepsy(no known cause)
-IVDD that’s not yet causing any issues(touch wood it continues this way!)

We do laser therapy as a maintenance/preventative for his IVDD.

Rusty is only 3.5 years old.
Thank you. I updated what he was for sure diagnosed with from the neurologist, we ended up doing the MRI, which came back with these results, he for sure has:

-Idiopathic epilepsy(no known cause)
-IVDD that’s not yet causing any issues(touch wood it continues this way!)

We do laser therapy as a maintenance/preventative for his IVDD.

Rusty is only 3.5 years old.
Sorry to hear. My male is a little over 4 and he has had many health problems as well. Hopefully the laser is effective at treating Rusty’s symptoms.
Sorry to hear. My male is a little over 4 and he has had many health problems as well. Hopefully the laser is effective at treating Rusty’s symptoms.

Rusty loves the laser therapy, the lady that does it comes to the house to make the dog feel more comfortable.

I think it’s helping, I also give him CBD oil every night and he gets omega 3 oil and very good low carb food.

He hasn’t had a episode for 4 months(touch wood, I don’t want to speak too soon), he only had 2 episodes but they were 13 days apart.

How is your frenchie? Was he able to walk after not being able to use his back legs? Did I remember that correctly? It’s been awhile🙂
Rusty loves the laser therapy, the lady that does it comes to the house to make the dog feel more comfortable.

I think it’s helping, I also give him CBD oil every night and he gets omega 3 oil and very good low carb food.

He hasn’t had a episode for 4 months(touch wood, I don’t want to speak too soon), he only had 2 episodes but they were 13 days apart.

How is your frenchie? Was he able to walk after not being able to use his back legs? Did I remember that correctly? It’s been awhile🙂
That’s correct, thanks for asking. We are pretty much much exactly like you, knock on wood he’s been doing great. We do physical therapy with him at home and have him on several new supplements that were recommended by the Colorado State veterinarian physicians. We saw the orthopedic doctor and he the neurologist.
That’s correct, thanks for asking. We are pretty much much exactly like you, knock on wood he’s been doing great. We do physical therapy with him at home and have him on several new supplements that were recommended by the Colorado State veterinarian physicians. We saw the orthopedic doctor and he the neurologist.

That’s great news.

I forgot to mention Rusty is also given Green Lipped mussels which is great for the joints and the spine too.

Was he diagnosed with IVDD?

The neurologist we took Rusty too said it’s so common for the dog to go to bed perfectly fine and then wake up and not being able to use the back legs, which totally freaks me out and worry’s me, that was my biggest fear for him, and I have never let him do any stairs, only I carry him, and no jumping on or off Couch either. Unfortunately that didn’t necessarily prevent him from being diagnosed with IVDD.

How’s your dogs allergies?? Do they flare up again in fall/winter??

Rusty has to go back to the dermatologist to do the fall/winter rush immunotherapy injections which is natural extracts of what he is allergic to in the environment(mild, mites, his own yeast, human dander, grass and many others), the spring/summer environmental allergies improved amazing this year cause last year they did this allergy specific immunotherapy for the spring summer for the pollen and other allergies in environment, so Wednesday Rusty has to go in @8am and we pick him up @5pm so they monitor him for any reactions.
But at least the spring summer allergies it worked for so hopefully it’s just as beneficial for the fall/winter allergies!
Will be a long day for Rusty.

He also has ingrown eyelashes and still another ear infection(from yeast from the raindrops in his ear).

But I have to say the bovine colostrum supplement and omega 3 have made his allergies greatly improve and the immunotherapy just takes the edge off.
Which supplements do you give him??
That’s great news.

I forgot to mention Rusty is also given Green Lipped mussels which is great for the joints and the spine too.

Was he diagnosed with IVDD?

The neurologist we took Rusty too said it’s so common for the dog to go to bed perfectly fine and then wake up and not being able to use the back legs, which totally freaks me out and worry’s me, that was my biggest fear for him, and I have never let him do any stairs, only I carry him, and no jumping on or off Couch either. Unfortunately that didn’t necessarily prevent him from being diagnosed with IVDD.

How’s your dogs allergies?? Do they flare up again in fall/winter??

Rusty has to go back to the dermatologist to do the fall/winter rush immunotherapy injections which is natural extracts of what he is allergic to in the environment(mild, mites, his own yeast, human dander, grass and many others), the spring/summer environmental allergies improved amazing this year cause last year they did this allergy specific immunotherapy for the spring summer for the pollen and other allergies in environment, so Wednesday Rusty has to go in @8am and we pick him up @5pm so they monitor him for any reactions.
But at least the spring summer allergies it worked for so hopefully it’s just as beneficial for the fall/winter allergies!
Will be a long day for Rusty.

He also has ingrown eyelashes and still another ear infection(from yeast from the raindrops in his ear).

But I have to say the bovine colostrum supplement and omega 3 have made his allergies greatly improve and the immunotherapy just takes the edge off.
Which supplements do you give him??
He was not diagnosed with IVDD, our female has allergies and takes apoquel daily. We are the same way, in terms of no stairs and no jumping. We have ramps around the couch’s and carry them everywhere. My wife even takes them in their harness’s to use the bathroom.
He was not diagnosed with IVDD, our female has allergies and takes apoquel daily. We are the same way, in terms of no stairs and no jumping. We have ramps around the couch’s and carry them everywhere. My wife even takes them in their harness’s to use the bathroom.
That’s good he uses a ramp instead of stairs.

You mentioned he is on supplements, what supplements is he on for his back?? I’m curious 😊
Omega 3
We also give them goats milk with Turmeric and bone broth.

Thanks for sharing the info, maybe all this is what’s maintaining your boy and Rusty cause I give Green lipped mussels as joint support and omega 3 and bone broth rich in collagen and it has turmeric and he gets probiotic(allergic to goat milk). As well as CBD for the epilepsy.

That’s very interesting, all this stuff we are both doing for our dogs is probably what is preventing flare ups and maintaining their backs👍😊
Omega 3
We also give them goats milk with Turmeric and bone broth.
another great add is raw eggs with the eggshell (ground them up. The membrane of the egg(shell lining) is a fantastic joint supplement.
I also use movoflex which has the egg membrane in it. I use both daily

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