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She had her nares done yesterday..

Awwww Twiggy! Hope she feels better ASAP! I think Rico will need his nares done eventually. He doesn't have any breathing difficulty yet but he has extremely narrow nares, and the vet thinks it may eventually be a possibility. I'll probably do it at the same time as his neuter if needed. A little doggy nose job! LOL. I'd love to see before/after pics of Twiggys nares. Here's a closeup of Rico's nares. Soooo narrow. His little mushroom nose lol

Sounds like Rico is a lot of trouble - I will take him, please!!!.

I found a before picture that shows her nares pretty well. I'll try to get a good after one today.

OMG, why haven't we seen this picture before!!!!!!! What an angel!!!

I always assumed that nares were little polyps inside the nose - sounds to me like they are more of a "nostril" (?).

This girl is the cutest darn thing!!!

I want her.
Rosie had hers done in April and she does not snore at all any more
Just found out what nares are and now am paranoid that Bambi's need to be done. Her breathing can be noisy even when at rest. I am going to go home and check. Anyway, here is a youtube video that shows the surgery pretty well. Other than the anesthesia, it seems like a minor procedure for a lot of benefit.

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