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Six weeks vs eight weeks

We got Stella at 8 weeks and Jake at 9 weeks. We had a vacation planned before we decided to get Jake so I left him with the breeder for an additional week. I was dying...came home a day early to go get him cuz I couldn't take it!!!!
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Jake at 8 weeks

Somehow I missed this until just now. I laughed when I read it. That is EXACTLY something I would do! I wouldn't be able to stand it; I'd probably leave vacation early to go get my baby!
Had a perfect transition at 6 weeks. She had been weened at 5 weeks. She has been a great pup and now four months going on five. Potty training was a breeze. I think we found a gem and my vet is so excited to see PK every time she's been in. She is in great health.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while walking my Frenchie.
If I could do it over, I would have liked to pick up Maximus around 12 weeks instead of 8-9 weeks. He was a rough puppy.... I have battles scars on my tummy from his puppy teeth piercing through my skin. :/

There was also a period of time when he couldn't go outside due to not having all his vaccines so the bf and I felt like he missed out on some socializing and housebreaking (still having issues). I think he's pretty well socialized now though. We went to a frenchie meetup and he played with like 30 frenchies. It was frenchie heaven. :)
Screen Shot 2015-04-11 at 4.06.32 AM.webpgot mine at 12 weeks, would of like to of gotten her at 6 or 7, but thats the way it worked out, what i like is she is already on dry food and she surprised me by fitting right in, adjusted right away. took her 4 days to learn to use the doggy door, even when she could watch my pug go right thought it, i think she thought it automatically opened. once she learned to push it a little then she took to it like a duck to water. also at 5 days her, and my 6 year old female pug, started playing chase me and tug of the rope toy. i feel that the french bulldog is going to be a much beefier bread than the pug needs a little more discipline to keep her in check. but so far she has been a quick learner. again as for when to take her home, well every time i took a pup home at 6 or 7 weeks i ended up with problems, dont want to eat, guess stress. i was a little worried about 12 weeks being to late but my fears are all gone.
I think 6 weeks is way too young for them to go home. They still need their mothers and litter mates to teach them, plus they still have some important growing to do. In the scheme of things, what's another two weeks for the benefit it provides.
6weeks I think is young and mamas milk is best so I think waiting til 8weeks they may be a little healthier

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We got Ollie at 11 weeks and Batty at 9 weeks. Frenches are small and I feel strongly they should be with momma and siblings until they are a minimum of 8 weeks. 10 to 12 is better.
I got Isabelle at 8 weeks & she was a breeze. 2 accidents in the house in her entire life so far, she's a brat with food because we buy super expensive treats lol! But other than that I don't see why you'd need to get them 2 weeks earlier?

Got Titan at 10, that probably would've been fine except he was so sick. He's finally caught up, but lord at 6 weeks he would've been under a pound at 10 he was only 3.3!
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