Soon to be a frenchie mom


New member
Feb 12, 2015
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I am soon to be a frenchie owner :) Hopefully the right pup will be born in the next couple months and I will be bring her into my home at the beginning of August.
I currently own 2 Cane Corso males, almost 4 year old AKC/CKC CH Black Jack Del' Agreste aka Black jack and my almost 1 year old pup Carpaccio Del'Agreste aka Tuna fish.
Tuna is a pup from a litter I co bred with my breeder, unfortunately when he turned 6 months old my heart was broken the diagnosis of cancer in his mom Aurora and we lost her shortly after.
She was my heart and soul dog, never will she be replaced :(
That said it is now time to welcome a new girl into our lives. We have decided that a frenchie will fit into our pack :) A good friend who is a breeder has agreed to place the right female with us. She has a litter due in 4 weeks and we are very excited. My son, 10, is looking forward to doing some Jr Handling and maybe some OB as well.
We currently show our CC, do scent hurdle, agility and scent detection.
I am looking forward to learning from you all.
:welcome3; to FBN.... look forward to seeing pics of your new baby, but I need pictures of your Corsos... I LOVE the breed, beautiful and loving.
Hi and welcome! I bet you can't wait to get that baby. So exciting! I would love to see pictures of all of your dogs. (We LOVE pictures).
Thank you for your welcomes.
We are SSOO excited about the coming baby. I have wanted a Frenchie for a very long time and our son has been asking for one since he was 5 lol.
He is very active with our dogs and has handled IG's and races scent hurdle with a friends Sheltie. He has also worked with dogs with kid aggression issues and for a 10 year old is a very competent handler/trainer. Definitely a dog person in training.
We have volunteered as a foster for the Alberta Bulldog rescue and have fostered a Boston x Frenchie cross so are now overjoyed with the prospect of having our own :) It is the wait that is going to be hard.
Here are some pictures of my pack right now. The big brindle is my male Blackjack, the Black girl was my <3 Aurora and the sable boy is our pup Tuna
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Hi and welcome from VA. Can't wait to see your baby!!!

Anne, Gidget, Olivia & Wilson
Welcome!! WOW! Stunning Corsos! Please post pics when you get your Frenchie girl.

I'm sorry to hear about Aurora. :(
:smileywelcome: to you and your good looking family! Can't wait to see your Frenchie baby!
Your dogs are beautiful! Welcome to FBN and hope you find the perfect little girl Frenchie.
Thanks everyone :) I am pretty proud of my goofball boys.
Can't wait until we have a girl to keep them in line however :p
2Bullymamma I would send him to you but Tuna is a little turd and you would just send him right back
Very beautiful puppies! I know you are sooo excited to get your new girl. We just added Clancy to our home at Christmas and we are so happy! Best of luck and send pictures when she is born.

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Hello from Alberta, as well! (I'm in Calgary)

Wow, Cane Corsos are not a breed that you see very often. Yours are absolutely *gorgeous*. I have a soft spot for solid, black dogs, as my first puppy (a pug) was solid black, and he will always have a special place in my heart.

Corsos and Frenchies are quite a contrast! What an awesome combination. :D

Welcome! I'm new here too, as we're getting our 2 Frenchie pups this Sat. Eeeeeeek! So excited!
Hello from Alberta, as well! (I'm in Calgary)

Wow, Cane Corsos are not a breed that you see very often. Yours are absolutely *gorgeous*. I have a soft spot for solid, black dogs, as my first puppy (a pug) was solid black, and he will always have a special place in my heart.

Corsos and Frenchies are quite a contrast! What an awesome combination. :D

Welcome! I'm new here too, as we're getting our 2 Frenchie pups this Sat. Eeeeeeek! So excited!

Awesome! Congrats :) I am in Calgary as well. Is funny, I believe CC and Frenchies go hand in hand, seems to be the common little dog that CC owners are drawn to lol. Can't wait to see pictures of your babies. We have 3.5 weeks until our litter is due, hopefully there will be a puppy that fits what we are looking for or it will be back to the waiting game
Do you follow Sensational Bulldogs on Instagram? They have a beautiful cane corso who is just in love with all of their frenchies. CCs look like a really cool breed!

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Welcome to the site, and your babies are beautiful.