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SOS Wilfred's patchy face!!


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Jul 20, 2015
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Wilfred is my little French bulldog who is about 1.5 yeArs old. He had developed some very small patches on the side of his face that we chalked up to slight allergy a few weeks ago... Well now it had gotten a bit worse and spread to the top of his head but again small. Then tonight my wife went to bath him to see if it would help and all hell broke loose! His hair is coming out like crazy and he has a huge swollen spot on his eyebrow! We are taking him to the vet tomorrow if we can but if anybody has any ideas off the pic I am about to share please let me know. He has been under considerable stress lately as we have been having to deal with separation anxiety and he obviously hates us trying to ween him off of it. Help please!


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aww, poor guy. Cannot really be much of help, but hoping he will get better soon!
Let us know what the vet said.
Aww poor thing :(

Could it be mange?
Or had he been vaccinated /treated with flea & tick treatment shortly before this started.
Hopefully it's not anything auto immune related.

Good luck!
Awww poor baby. Hope the vet can help get him healed up!
Oh goodness! Poor guy! Hoping it can be easily fixed with a vet visit!
Wilfred is my little French bulldog who is about 1.5 yeArs old. He had developed some very small patches on the side of his face that we chalked up to slight allergy a few weeks ago... Well now it had gotten a bit worse and spread to the top of his head but again small. Then tonight my wife went to bath him to see if it would help and all hell broke loose! His hair is coming out like crazy and he has a huge swollen spot on his eyebrow! We are taking him to the vet tomorrow if we can but if anybody has any ideas off the pic I am about to share please let me know. He has been under considerable stress lately as we have been having to deal with separation anxiety and he obviously hates us trying to ween him off of it. Help please!

OUCH.... looks like a hotspot? What did the vet appointment tell you
Well turns out it was a bacterial infection from him having bad allergies... So he's got all the meds to fix him up next step is figuring out his allergy:(
Well turns out it was a bacterial infection from him having bad allergies... So he's got all the meds to fix him up next step is figuring out his allergy:(

Poor boy :( glad the majority will be solved with meds!

I'd consider allergy testing for him... Especially since that progressed so badly!
I suggest allergy testing as well. While it can be somewhat costly, I feel like in the end you will spend less money knowing the issue right away versus trial and error and possibly more vet bills.