Jax made it through surgery and if all goes well, he’ll be home tomorrow.
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Jax came home yesterday. This morning he did have some trembling and the surgery site was throbbing so I gave him some CBD oil and then his meds that were due and I also did a laser therapy treatment and he seemed to have calmed down after that. The doctor did say he could experience some wind up anxiety and more pain so I am trying not to freak out but of course it's hard.
any updates on our favorite patient??
He's doing much better this go around. He seems to be feeling better each day which is what should be happening. We are continuing laser therapy every morning for the next couple of weeks. He's also gotten 2 acupuncture treatments. He's still on all his meds but those all have to be slowly tapered off. He gets his stitches out on Sunday and then will hopefully be able to go on a couple 5 minute walks every day which he definitely needs as he is getting quite restless in the crate.
He's doing much better this go around. He seems to be feeling better each day which is what should be happening. We are continuing laser therapy every morning for the next couple of weeks. He's also gotten 2 acupuncture treatments. He's still on all his meds but those all have to be slowly tapered off. He gets his stitches out on Sunday and then will hopefully be able to go on a couple 5 minute walks every day which he definitely needs as he is getting quite restless in the crate.
He's doing much better this go around. He seems to be feeling better each day which is what should be happening. We are continuing laser therapy every morning for the next couple of weeks. He's also gotten 2 acupuncture treatments. He's still on all his meds but those all have to be slowly tapered off. He gets his stitches out on Sunday and then will hopefully be able to go on a couple 5 minute walks every day which he definitely needs as he is getting quite restless in the crate.
[MENTION=188]Cbrugs[/MENTION] Are things still going along ok with sweet Jax?
Yes! He’s allowed on a few small walks each day. He does not want to be in the crate anymore which means there’s a lot of barking and whining going on. He still has 2-3 weeks to go before he can fully come out. He is back in bed with us which he loves and now I have my cuddle buddy back.
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