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Tear Stains!

I have a cream coloured 4 month-old frenchie and cannot get rid of his tear stains for the life of me!

- he drinks filtered water from a stainless steel bowl
- he eats a raw duck/lamb diet with salmon oil
- I bought MalAcetic wipes ( have been using for about 2 weeks )
- I dab witch hazel with a Q-tip every evening

Any other suggestions?!?! They drive me bonkers.. Do I perhaps need to give it a few more weeks?

Thanks in advance.
Just some ideas:
-since usual cause is diet, try a different protein other than duck or lamb

-Try some organic raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar in the drinking water or food every day. If you want to make sure this is 100% safe, use pH paper strips to check the dog’s first morning urine. If it reads anywhere from 6.2 to 6.5, your dog’s system is exactly where it should be,and no ACV is needed, But if it is 7.5 or higher, the diet you are feeding is too alkaline, and apple cider vinegar will reestablish the correct balance. Give one teaspoon to one tablespoon twice daily for a 50-pound dog. https://www.whole-dog-journal.com/issues/20_3/features/Apple-Cider-Vinegar_21614-1.html

-A bit of Frozen raw tripe as snack every day.
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