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Teething toys reccomendations


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Aug 2, 2015
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My little man Gus is hitting his wonderful stage of full force teething!! I have a few nylabones, antlers (for when we leave to entertain himself) and constantly stuff a toy in his mouth to bite on instead of myself or my boyfriend. I heard recommendations for little ice cubes, or frozen carrots? What are some other tricks of the trade to help until this round ends?? Thank you in advance!!
Lauren and Gus
Himalayan dog chews for us a must and whole carrots he also goes all out on marrow bones - good luck at least it is not the shark phase
We have found water buffalo horns to be Ralphy's favorite! He has two because one always goes missing and he looks adorable when he runs around with it hanging out of his mouth LOL he didn't care for the nylabone at all, he ended up dropping it over the balcony and my husband ran it over with the lawnmower... it disintegrated into a million pieces that we are still finding months later..:fie:
We gave small frozen carrots for Moses and it seemed to help.
Kongs toys are good and Nylabones, that's all we give ours. Carrots are OK, but be careful as pups can chock on them.
Oh no whats the shark phase??? Haha, Hes pretty destructible right now and those teeth feel like shark teeth!!
Thank you everyone!!! Vetoed the carrots but all of those options I am trying out!! he loves his nylabones and I also heard to get the cow noses from my friend? Thank you everyone again!! :)
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