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Thinking of getting a head cage


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Jun 10, 2014
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Well bleeding pretty good and nail punctured where Chance bit my finger, this has happened three times now all to different people and under different circumstances.Scared he might do this to the wrong person and the problems that occur and with how mouthy he is during play thought of using a head cage. It is similar to a muzzle as it stops him from biting has anyone used this before. Running out of ideas and patience.
Ouch. Is he still a puppy? When he bites is it during play?
Hopefully you are still in the bitey puppy phase and can train him out of it. When we have puppies to foster and they bite we yell "ow" the first time so it gets their attention. If the biting doesn't stop immediately we go into ignore mode. We get out of puppies reach (off the floor or off the couch) and totally ignore them till they are calm.

I honestly don't know how effective a muzzle would be. I'm sure they exist but it would be hard to find one to properly fit a frenchie I imagine.

Good luck either way and let us know how it goes! :)
Ron - go back to basics with him... he has to work for everything, affection, food, play. he is in the adolescent stage and being a 'teenager'. Go to the training section and use 'Nothing in life is free'.
Ron - go back to basics with him... he has to work for everything, affection, food, play. he is in the adolescent stage and being a 'teenager'. Go to the training section and use 'Nothing in life is free'.

I agree with this. Put him on his side if he won't cooperate. He needs to know who is the Alpha.
I'm sorry you're having this rough patch. I agree that the nothing in life helps, also the putting them on their side and making them stay there til they remain calm and relax their body. It helped a lot with Isabelle when she started nipping with play time.

Be sure to keep an eye on that finger. My husband got bit by a dog in his hand and it became severely infected over night due to the bacteria dogs have in their mouth, and the hand has nowhere to release and wash out the infection like other body parts.

Good luck! And keep us all posted on Chance and your finger!
Ron - go back to basics with him... he has to work for everything, affection, food, play. he is in the adolescent stage and being a 'teenager'. Go to the training section and use 'Nothing in life is free'.

Exactly as Christine said, back to square one. He is young and will learn. If he nips again react with a loud, distressed OUCH!
Hey gang have been trying it all the back to basics, nothing in Iife is free, put him on his side, back until calm, time outs, stand with your back towards him and ignore, say ouch IoudIy and no biting. My other haIf is adding so much pressure on his behavior as he was the first one bitten - Iost a fingernail, and demands I get a head cage for him,
I think i need a couple of big alphas to put him in his place and to teach him how not to bite as he was the only one in his Iitter and most dogs do not want anything to do with him. I have already toId the husband it would mean me Ieaving if he tries to get rid of the dog so that tells you just how serious things are getting, mind you he has not said anything more regarding Chance
AAAAArrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh insert fouI Ianguage here :wallbang::bitching::yell::bang:
Hey gang have been trying it all the back to basics, nothing in Iife is free, put him on his side, back until calm, time outs, stand with your back towards him and ignore, say ouch IoudIy and no biting. My other haIf is adding so much pressure on his behavior as he was the first one bitten - Iost a fingernail, and demands I get a head cage for him,
I think i need a couple of big alphas to put him in his place and to teach him how not to bite as he was the only one in his Iitter and most dogs do not want anything to do with him. I have already toId the husband it would mean me Ieaving if he tries to get rid of the dog so that tells you just how serious things are getting, mind you he has not said anything more regarding Chance
AAAAArrrrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh insert fouI Ianguage here :wallbang::bitching::yell::bang:

Ok is hubby doing all the training as weel? you have to both be on the same page otherwise Chance (insert dog name her) will still not follow the rules and act out
Do you have the resources to hire a trainer to come help you out? Maybe if they did a session with both you and hubby you could both be on the same page about how to get him under control?
I agree with hiring a trainer. Both of you should be handling him so Chance knows that he's to listen to both of you equally. It is frustrating but hang in there! I hope you find a solution to this problem soon.
Do you have the resources to hire a trainer to come help you out? Maybe if they did a session with both you and hubby you could both be on the same page about how to get him under control?

On medicaI UI at the moment when I return to work in February it will be an option partner wants to spend the money on a head cage before putting out anymore money.
He can be a real cuddler just can not play with or clean and check his teeth and gums,dry after bathing or will be bitten by both of them
leather-muzzle.webp custom made with instructions for measuring short noses - Morcco pet suppIy
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I honestly would work on training a lot more before the head cage. You don't want him to wear it all the time, and if he isn't wearing it all the time, he will have the opportunity to bite. I don't think it's a good idea at this point, but that's just my opinion. He's young, so I don't see it being an issue that can't be corrected pretty quick with the right training.
I agree with Tgirl. You can get creative and train. Dedicate a few months and it will be worth your time in gold.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while walking my Frenchie.
You hit the nail right on the head. He was a singleton, and never learned from his litter mates on how to properly bite. Now you have to teach him. Keep what you are doing, with the yelling Ouch!!! and putting him in time out when he does bite. He will eventually out grow this.
Resorting to the head cage is almost like admitting defeat. And will prolong the training process. The sooner you break him of this the better. Get creative, loud noise worked great when warding off bad behavior for me. And be firm. My dog knows who's boss lol. Get him into a group training class and SOCIALIZE, SOCIALIZE, SOCIALIZE. Dogs learn well from other dogs.
I use a coffee can with pennies right near me and shake it when there is unwanted behavior as puppies hate the noise. I learned this in my dog training class and it works. Now all I have to do is go for the coffee can and the behavior stops.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I was thinking of the "pennies in a can" idea too. My fear with the head cage would be it would not stop the action of trying to bite, it would just keep him from being able to do so. The behavior itself would still be there. A trainer or classes will be great as soon as it is possible to do so.

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All dogs have some sort of challenge. We can surely resolve the concern. To address the concern so many more questions need to be answered. Age, sex, history, # hours exercise per day, has the dog been thru training, hours left alone during the day, was this a sudden behavior change, how long has it been going on, does the dog get along with other strangers or animals, etc etc.

To get a head cage or to bring the dog to a dog park and let the alpha dogs "teach it a lesson" is like punting in football. Why give up so easily? Think back to why you welcomed the dog into your home.

If your solution is to get a head cage to save money please adopt the dog out to an experienced dog owner. Many will welcome the dog, solve the challenge with an investment of time and money and give this story a happily ever after ending.

Many times people see a well trained dog on a walk and don't realize the time, money and effort to achieve this priceless joy. Some are easy others require more work.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk while walking my Frenchie.
Wondering how Chance is doing with the chomping people...

Have you tried can full of coins?

I was worried, but goodness it helped Isabelle. Basically ALL signs of aggression, and unwanted behavior, etc, gone in 2 days.

Hope all is well... And he doesn't have a head cage.