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Sep 14, 2014
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Hi everyone!

Yesterday I noticed that Titan's bottom center front tooth was missing. I could've sworn he lost all of those as a baby pup, but noticing that it was gone caused me to freak as I thought he broke out a big dog tooth? Looks like his adult tooth is just now breaking the gums!

Anyone else have puppy teeth that took 9/10 months to fall out/grow back?

I really don't think his tooth is going to grow in, either. He was so sick and depleted of nutrients! It's making me nervous!
No experience but thinking it should not be an issue for it coming in..... [MENTION=4]davidh[/MENTION]. ??
Shouldn't be a problem. He's just doing some of his teething a bit late. :)
I wouldn't worry about teeth at all and whether he has every single one or not. Reason I say this is I had 2 pugs (still have the one) who have both had several dentals done, and each time they had 8-11 teeth removed. :ohmy: Dogs have around 40-something teeth, and do just fine if they're missing a few.

Heck, my sweet Percy was down to four teeth by the time he got old, and he could still chomp and chew like nobody's business. My other pug had several teeth removed from the bottom centre, and again, is doing just fine. (Pugs have notoriously rotten teeth due to crowding and food getting stuck in there)

Your Titan will be just fine. :D He'll adapt!
Agreed, nothing to worry about. if the new tooth is growing, the rest will give way. If not, he will still be just fine.

The small bottom teeth are not that vital. One of my papillons lost most of his lower jaw teeth when he got older and had no issues, except that his tongue kept showing out, but he didn't seem to mind that either, just looked a bit goofy :)
I agree, it shouldn't be a problem.