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Hi Julie.....Maybe you can help with something we've been working on with Hanna since we got her. She's now 5 months old. We have 2 cats in our house. One has always just stayed away from Hanna and is very vocal/let's her know she doesn't want to be friends with her...Hanna for the most part leaves this cat alone. Our other cat doesn't know how to be mean and tell Hanna to buzz off so he is constantly getting mauled and pushed around and you can tell for the most part isn't enjoying it lol. It was fine when she was smaller but now she is getting too big and too rough with him. We've tried telling her no and breaking them up... and have tried praising her when she leaves him alone...but it doesn't seem to be working. It's not constant I mean there are times when he can just walk around without getting jumped on but I would say that is only about 40% of the time. Any ideas of what we can do to get her to leave him alone??
Hi Julie.....Maybe you can help with something we've been working on with Hanna since we got her. She's now 5 months old. We have 2 cats in our house. One has always just stayed away from Hanna and is very vocal/let's her know she doesn't want to be friends with her...Hanna for the most part leaves this cat alone. Our other cat doesn't know how to be mean and tell Hanna to buzz off so he is constantly getting mauled and pushed around and you can tell for the most part isn't enjoying it lol. It was fine when she was smaller but now she is getting too big and too rough with him. We've tried telling her no and breaking them up... and have tried praising her when she leaves him alone...but it doesn't seem to be working. It's not constant I mean there are times when he can just walk around without getting jumped on but I would say that is only about 40% of the time. Any ideas of what we can do to get her to leave him alone??

Yup - use a spray bottle and when the dog starts to go for the cat jump in there and spray the dog and tell her NO in a sharp tone. Does the cat have claws? If so, I'm quite sure the cat will begin to defend herself if she gets fed up with Hanna. If not, then yes you need to step in and make sure Hanna isn't playing to roughly with your dear cat. :) You can try and shake can too if you prefer. Just want to get Hanna's attention on you so you can correct the behavior. I would say it needs to be an all or nothing choice. It needs to be yes it's ok to play or no its not. Hanna is not going to understand its' ok sometimes and not other times. If the cat has claws then I would let them figure it out themselves. If not, then I would definitely step in. Hope that helps.

Shake can is a empty soda can with a few pennies in it with tape over the opening.
Yup - use a spray bottle and when the dog starts to go for the cat jump in there and spray the dog and tell her NO in a sharp tone. Does the cat have claws? If so, I'm quite sure the cat will begin to defend herself if she gets fed up with Hanna. If not, then yes you need to step in and make sure Hanna isn't playing to roughly with your dear cat. :) You can try and shake can too if you prefer. Just want to get Hanna's attention on you so you can correct the behavior. I would say it needs to be an all or nothing choice. It needs to be yes it's ok to play or no its not. Hanna is not going to understand its' ok sometimes and not other times. If the cat has claws then I would let them figure it out themselves. If not, then I would definitely step in. Hope that helps.

Shake can is a empty soda can with a few pennies in it with tape over the opening.

Hi Julie. The cat doesn't have claws which makes it difficult for him to get his point across. We will try the spray bottle / Can method and I will report back. Thanks!
[MENTION=169]Cosette Girl[/MENTION] one thing that worked well with Buster, when I discovered a pee in the house I would wail and cry, "oh no look at the mess I have to clean up" and keep repeating that while cleaning the floor. None of it was directed at Buster, but he figured out it upset me to have to clean the pee off the floor. It sounds like Cosette's problem is temporary.
[MENTION=286]mix123[/MENTION] our cat is a scaredy cat. She runs and Buster chases. We have told Buster "NO" enough that when we're there he doesn't chase her, but if we're in another room he does. She has claws, but won't scratch him. He doesn't hurt her when he catches her--he just sniffs. If she would scratch him he would learn to leave her alone!
Hi Julie. The cat doesn't have claws which makes it difficult for him to get his point across. We will try the spray bottle / Can method and I will report back. Thanks!

you bet! Any time. Best of luck. Definitely step in...poor kitty can't defend herself. :)
Hi Julie! I have a 12 month old that bites everything and puts EVERYTHING in his mouth! He's been doing this since since around 10 weeks when a we got him. We've tried bitter apple spray, pet block spray, tabasco sauce, crate time outs, picking him up and holding him as a time out, no, and leave it. We've had so many vet bills already because of the stuff he's eaten. Exercise doesn't seem to be making a difference either! We're at such a stand still with what to do. We bought a static collar but we have not used it yet. I'm not sure he will respond to it the way were hoping. He has plenty of bones, toys etc. we don't let him roam around our house because we can't keep a constant eye on him. Do you have any suggestions?

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Hi . . . . . And do I need advice ! ! My little 7 month old female Diva is 99.9% potty trained which I am very happy about. I love her to death. The only problem I am having with her is when she wants to play or get attention she will go to my nice leather furniture and start scratching at the chairs or chewing on the corners until I come. I will say 'no' - she will bark back and continue . . . .I know I am supposed to ignore her, but she has ruined my chairs by me thinking ignoring her is the answer. Once she has my attention she wants me to chase her around . . . . . she then gets exercise, but continues with the scratching and biting/chewing so I chase her. I've tried everything. Is this a puppy phase or am I in big trouble ?
If any of you have questions about behavior I am a behavior and obedience trainer. I will go through these threads and try to offer my 2 cents. :)

Hello! I have a question! I recently added a lil girl Lucy to my family (12 weeks old) and her and Chewy(16 weeks on the 23rd) and they get along good for the most part, but they rough house so hard.. They go for eachothers faces & bite a lot.. Is this normal? It makes me nervous because Chewys eyes bulge out.. Any advice? [MENTION=314]Julie Stevenson[/MENTION]
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