Training a deaf frenchie


New member
Jan 24, 2020
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Hello everyone! I have a frenchie that is 2 and a half years old now, and we want to add another baby to the family to make him company while we are out working. We found this puppy who is deaf and instantly wanted to get him, so we could help him and give him all the love he deserves. But we are also very scared of the challenge of training and having a deaf dog. Would love to hear stories of those who have a deaf frenchie and specially the ones who grew up with an older brother who could hear and was trained with voice commands! Thank you so much :)
Hello, I have a 5 year old male, Yuki, who was born deaf. He is so much fun and has a huge personality. Deaf is not as big of a "challenge" as you would think. Basic training went very well with hand signals and positive reinforcement (mostly treats). The first 6 months he had massive separation anxiety. It may take a little bit more patience but if you are consistent, it will be fine. You have an advantage in that he will grow up with an older brother who will show him the ropes. Have fun with the little one and keep us posted with pics!
I have no direct experience but know two people not a member her with deaf Frenchie... they said training was no different because they follow hand signals very well

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