Walkies!! ... Not


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Jun 13, 2016
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Would like some advice please on our nearly 16 week old puppy refusal to walk.
She's not a nervy dog & was used to wearing a lead around the house before she was safe to go out, so that isn't an issue.
She'll walk a few steps then stop. I've thrown treats ahead & she'll go for them & walk just a few minutes, sometimes not even that.
She's excited it when she sees other people & curious when sees another dog, if the dog is barking then not so keen.
I have switched from collar & lead to harness as advised from another frenchie owner, who said his was the same & some tough love needed by dragging them basically & that a harness won't hurt or damage as a collar would. His dog now walks happily now & enjoys the walk. He said it's a common trait & if don't try & nip it in the bud now then it'll be a life of either carrying her everywhere or just no walks.
The harness & gentle 'dragging' hasn't made any difference. I'm conscious I don't want to make the whole experience a negative one, but also don't want it to end up exactly as he's described. She's energetic & healthy dog otherwise. Is this a trait that's difficult to break? It's gone on for about 5 weeks now so any tips will be much appreciated! Thanks
Oh. Well my Nellie loves to stop every so often and people watch but she loves her walks. What I do sometimes is bring along a rope you and get her to play along as we walk. It's all in the training though. She went to obedience class and the only thing she learned well was how to heel while walking ;so staying by my side and how to sit when we get to an intersection until the cars pass.

When your pup is at home, does she have access to a backyard? Does she like going to the yard? Mine loves the outdoors so walks haven't been a problem. Id say keep taking her out and with practice it might get better ��
You need to make it fun for her. So lots of praise when she does take steps and reward with a treat. You can also have a treat in the hand and put in front of her nose and start walking and give her lots of encouragement calling her name and let's go, good girl, etc. She should follow your hand. It will be hard on your back at first bending over but it should get her going. I would not advise dragging her. She will need patience and lots of encouragement and I'm sure whe will come around.
Beezy didn't like to walk when she was younger. It was a chore trying to get her to just go around our small block. I remember thinking, "Great, I got a dog to keep me healthy and it just wants to be a couch potato like me!"

I want to say that somewhere around 8 months she started to tolerate longer walks. Now during the summer it is entirely normal for her to go on 6-8 walks a day (some are short jaunts around the block and others are longer).

You can maybe just start with walks around your yard if you have one. It doesn't seem quite so daunting to the puppy. She may let you know when it's time to increase her boundaries by dragging you further outland.
She is still young yet and a baby. She will walk with you in time, just keep trying, but as others have said, make it fun for her. I wouldn't drag her as this can be a negative thing. Once she gets a little older, she will go with you. Just remember, while it's hot outside, don't go very far, and it's best to go early in the morning, or late in the evening when it's cooler. They will get hot and over heat quickly.
Thanks for all replies. Yes have a big garden & she loves running around & chasing anything that moves & is normally a confident dog overall. I always take treats & that will work for a few minutes, she then is disinterested but will keep trying. There's no chance of going to far ha ha, it's literally me coaxing her for about half an hour but 5 minutes of walking.
I agree dragging is going to be a negative even with a harness but think I think got desperate.
Does anyone find that is a trait of FB or just think her age & will grow out of it?
I'm sure she will grow out of it, she's still young yet. Most love going places with their human when they get a little older.
Jax never liked to go for walks when he was younger. I couldn't even get him to the corner. I just kept taking him out and he eventually go further and further. Now getting him home from a walk is a problem cause he wants to keep going! Just give him time and keep taking him out.
Great thanks, that gives me hope. I've just been out with her now with usual treats & I took toys this time, she did the odd step when saw a leaf flying up but that was it. That was only 100 yards from our house. I shall keep at it!
Bismarck does not enjoy walking on leash. He can be very stubborn and will just sit or lay down when he wants to. The moment he is off leash however, he walks perfectly. Therefore he is mainly off leash already and has a much better recall than his sister had at his age. But only do this once he has a reliable recall and there arent any busy roads close by.
Maybe give it a try and see if he enjoys walking off leash more (try in your backyard or an empty field; somewhere safe)
Do you have someone that can walk their dog along with you. Pierce learned to walk easily because he wanted to keep up with Schatzi so he forgot he was on a leash. If you can arrange this, it may help get him started.

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I know a while back I posted this but just wanted to update & say since walking Marlene with my friends dog, it has kicked started her walking on the lead. It didn't straight away & was still quite draggy but now walks for 30 mins twice a day really well. The first 10 mins she's still stalling but she then gets into the walk & walks well. I'm still not convinced she's enjoying it but still! I've had her off the lead a few times as well which has been scary, but she runs back to me & I know really enjoys her time off the lead. Thanks for all the advice