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Weight at 6 months vs adult weight?

I would love if Danté turned out on the bigger side. 25-28 pounds. And I too looooove Ollie's size/build. But Danté's mom was 19 pounds, his dad 21 -- so not looking good for him. He weighed 2.5 pounds at his vet appointment last week! Hoping on Monday he's in the 3's hahahaha.

2.5 pounds at 11 weeks? Gosh, are you sure?
I have a 10 month old female who weighs 25lbs...she is a taller frenchy,longer legs
[MENTION=648]lkclark[/MENTION] he was 9 weeks. Yes.

Dante is little. Batty was 9 weeks when we got him and he was 5.2 pounds. Now at 15 weeks he is 9.4 pounds. Ollie was 9.5 when we got him at 11 weeks. His mom is 20 pounds and daddy is listed at 21 but I don't believe it. Ollie is done growing and is at 24 pounds. I think Batty will end up about 20 or 22. :)
I would love if Danté turned out on the bigger side. 25-28 pounds. And I too looooove Ollie's size/build. But Danté's mom was 19 pounds, his dad 21 -- so not looking good for him. He weighed 2.5 pounds at his vet appointment last week! Hoping on Monday he's in the 3's hahahaha.

Hudson was 3 pounds at 12 weeks. They all grow at different rates. He has certainly made up for that now.

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Wait, Hudson is only 6 months? Isn't his bday really close to Rootbeers?

This is an old thread :). He was born November 9th, so he's 8 and a halfish now. He and Rootbeer are really close in age!

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Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum and a first time frenchie owner. I have had Tallulah now for a little over a month and am head over heels in love! When we picked her up at just under 12 weeks she was 3 pounds. A teeny, tiny frenchie. A month later, at just under 16 weeks she is 6 pounds. Filling out nicely, looking like a French bulldog, but a miniature version, lol. I took her with me to my son's lacrosse tournament yesterday and I felt like we were celebrities being stalked by the paparazzi! I can't tell you how many people took pictures of her - one women even took a picture of her cute little butt! Everyone always asks how big she is going to get and my standard response is - I have no idea, LOL
Here she is resting on Daddy's chest during the game - it's not easy being a doggie diva, lol sleeping baby (640x480).webp
This is an old thread :). He was born November 9th, so he's 8 and a halfish now. He and Rootbeer are really close in age!

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Ahhh ok! Didnt pay attention to dates just saw it at the top and assumed it was recent! I was so confused.
Danté weighed in at 7.2 pounds today -- that's almost 5 pounds in 10 days lol.
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